Requests by post method are one of types of a dialog of the client application and the server. They are intended for transfer and adding of data on a remote resource. Therefore requests these requests have the special container for the transmitted data called a request body. A body of request post and its headings are transferred imperceptibly for the user working with the website by means of the browser.
It is required to you
- The computer with Internet access, the browser and expansions.
1. Modern browsers contain the tools for web developer allowing to obtain some information on the sent requests of post. If you need to look at headings of only couple of requests, their use will be more simply and quicker than other ways.
2. If you use Firefox, you can use its web console. It displays headings of requests and contents of the transferred cookies. For its start open the menu of the browser, click on the Web development point and select "Web console". In the appeared panel activate the button "Network". Enter in the field of the filter the name of a method – post. Depending on your purposes, press the button of the form sending the necessary request or refresh the page. In the console the sent request will be displayed. Click it with a mouse to look in more detail.
3. The Google Chrome browser has powerful instruments of debugging. That to use them, click an icon with the image of a wrench, and then open the Setup and Management of Google Chrome point. Select the Tools item and start "Tools of developers". In the toolbar select the Network tab and send a request. Find the necessary request in the list and click it to study details.
4. In the Opera browser there are built-in tools for Opera Dragonfly developers. For their start click with the right key of a mouse the necessary page and select item of the Inspect an Element context menu. Go to the tab "Network" of tools for developers and send the necessary request. Find it in the list and open to study headings and server responses.
5. Internet Explorer 9 contains a set under the name "Means of F12 Developer", providing detailed information on the made queries. They are started by clicking of the F12 button or by means of the menu "Service", containing point of the same name. To look at request, go to the tab "Network". Find the set request in the report and by means of doubleclick disclose detailed information.
6. The Chrome and Internet Explorer 9 browsers contain the built-in tools allowing to study the sent request of post in all details. For obtaining the complete information use them or Firefox with the installed Firebug plug-in. It is very convenient for frequent studying requests, for example, when debugging the websites.
7. If you want to look at the request sent not the per the browser, but any other program use the HTTP debugger of Fiddler. It works as the proxy server and intercepts requests of any program and also provides very detailed information on their headings and contents.