How to make a chat on network

How to make a chat on network

The chat is such place in network where people get acquainted, communicate, are on friendly terms, find adherents on interests, communicate and have a good time. There is a huge number of various chats for every taste, but if you want to make the chat, it can be done by means of the Internet.


1. Be registered on the server of a chat and receive the special code. Further you put it on the page, using a HTML template. Thus, you will create on the page a form for an entrance to a chat. Directly chat will open in other window. Pay attention that on the server of chats you receive the individual domain of the third level which will look as follows: imya_polzovatel.

2. Use for creation of a chat in a different way. Place it on the page. Such option is called Java chat. Keep in mind that though such way of creation is simpler, errors in work of your chat can be found subsequently. Take care of its safety. The harmful attacks can break its work. Surely include I smoke at registration in a chat.

3. Configure design of a chat. It should be original and attractive. Try to select such design that it corresponded to the main idea of a chat. For example, if it is intended, generally for communication of youth, make its design fashionable and bright. Think up a name to your chat. It is desirable that it was beautiful and easily memorable. Create rules of conduct in a chat. Remember that it needs the administrator, the moderator. They monitor that rules of communication in a chat were not violated.

4. Untwist the chat in network. If about it nobody knows, in it there will be no visitors, so, that and communication. You can make the website of a chat and be registered by partner programs through which people will be able to learn about you. Think up the special actions for visitors of your chat motivating them to involvement of other users. Take care that links to your chat were rather informative and available.

5. Support the chat. Organize its work so that everyone entering was to whom to greet. It is necessary for you that all subjects on a chat were supported and conversations continued. Ask at the beginning your friends and acquaintances to help you. Besides, continue to advertize the chat in searchers, directories and ratings.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
