The web page which opens at each start of the browser is called the starting or home page. Work on the Internet begins with it. If the browser is configured by default, then the homepage is the website of his developer or one of search engines. Not all know that this page can be replaced easily.
Begin a travel on the Internet with "Schoolmates"
The most part of users, having gone online, first of all open the page on social networks. It is possible to communicate to old friends there and to find new, to share news, to place interesting photos, to view fresh publications and to discuss them, to listen to music, to play games and many other things. One of the most popular social nets of RuNet is the website "Одноклассники.ру".
That at start of the browser automatically to get on "Schoolmates", it is necessary to make some settings. The operations procedure will depend on the browser which you use. The most widespread observers, in addition to Internet Explorer set in a system by default, are Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Opera.
How to configure the home page in popular browsers
To open browser customizations from the Google company, it is necessary to click an icon with three horizontal strips or with a wrench (in the previous versions of the observer). Exactly there in a drop-down menu there is a Setup point ("Parameters"). When clicking this point the page with display of settings will open. In the section "main" select the Initial Group item. Select from the offered list option "The following pages: add". Click a mouse on the word "add" and register the website address. The task is solved.
If at setup of the homepage to note The Windows and Tabs Opened Last Time point, then you continue work on the Internet from the last browsed web pages as if did not go offline.
For setup of the home page in the popular Mozilla Firefox browser, press the Tools button and from a drop-down menu select the setup item. Open the Main tab, there in the Start menu there is an At Start of Firefox field in which set the Show the Home Page parameter from the scrolled list. Then register the necessary address and confirm changes with the OK button. Now it is not necessary to spend excess time for transitions, the page on "Schoolmates" will be loaded at once.
For installation of the home page in Opera in the Setup menu select the General settings item. After that in the opened window on the Main tab set operations of the browser at start. In order that the website "Schoolmates" by default opened, select Begin with the Home Page option. Register the address of favourite social network at line "House". OK - for confirmation.
The "manager of sessions" extension for Firefox allows to save statuses of all tabs before an output from the observer and to give a session the corresponding name, and then at start of the browser to select what session you want to open.
To make "Schoolmates" the homepage in the Internet Explorer browser, in the menu "Service" click the Internet Options point, located at the very end of a drop-down list. In the opened window vyberitk the General tab. Then under the name "Home page" specify the address of "Schoolmates" in a line, press the Apply button. Now the page will automatically open at each start of the observer.