How to make the page color

How to make the page color

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The color background on the website not only draws attention of visitors, but also transfers them mood of a resource. The websites of space subject create the atmosphere of mysteriousness a background in the form of the star sky, entertaining resources lighten the mood in rich colors of warm flowers, web services of city services show the officiality strict design and backgrounds of mainly gray and blue shades. It is possible to make color own web page in several ways. It is required to you • - the website • - at least initial knowledge of HTML Instruction 1. To make a color monophonic background, find in the HTML-code such the tags and . Make changes to the first tag thus: . In this design the record #FFFF33 - the coded shade of yellow color. 2. Color of the page can be specified not only by the code, but also special words - names of primary colors. For background color designation by a word write such code: . Here ""yellow"" is the name of yellow color. 3. Instead of code designation of yellow color or its name enter desirable designation of background color necessary to you to the tag, using this hint: red - ""red"" (""#FF0000"") blue - ""blue"" (""#0000FF"") green - ""green"" (""#008000"") pink - ""pink"" (""#FFC0CB"") violet - ""violet"" (""#EE82EE"") orange - ""orange"" (""#FFA500"") black - ""black"" (""#000000"") 4. If you want that against the background of the website there was a repeating image, then pick up the picture, small by the size, against the background of which the text will be well visible. Fill in the picture on the website. For the room of the picture as a background enter such code in the tag Instead of ""/images/fon.jpg"" specify path to the necessary picture in this record. 5. Color of web pages can be set not only in HTML code, but also by means of CSS styles. Using these styles, it is not necessary to install every time a background in the code of the new page. For definition of a background between the tags and place such record in CSS: Here background color is set by the background parameter. 6. If you want to make in CSS a background by means of the image, then between and write such code, instead of '/images/fon.jpg' having specified path to the necessary picture: Here the background-image parameter defines the background picture, background-repeat - recurrence of the picture. on the page.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
