Paid links are not an innovation today. And every year by means of them it is harder and harder to earn on the Internet as competitors become more and more. But, nevertheless, if the person has the sufficient and demanded for users knowledge, he has every chance to gain income in such a way.
1. For a start analyze RuNet on relevance of that information which you possess. For this purpose, for example, come on "Statistics of keywords" in Yandex and look how many was similar requests during this period.
2. Then check ten the most rating websites which dropped out on demand. Also study on them content. It is possible that you will find there information which the user will be able to receive free of charge and without your help.
3. And if still nobody opened your trade secrets, state their words, available to ordinary people. Now break it into several small lessons which will be able to help to do, for example, independently to people the websites or to seize art of the photoshop. It will become your unique paid information. Do not forget to squeeze keywords in the text.
4. Placement of paid links can be made by means of the SMS lock. For this purpose use special service which will provide you the short number. To use your content on the website, people will be forced to send paid SMS, profit on which will be your income.
5. Now be engaged in advertizing of the website. For this purpose register it free of charge in several search engines. Also exchange links with others friendly to you the websites that on them there was a link to your resource. Or pay for demonstration of a banner with advertizing of your blog.
6. What you will be able to attract users on the website with paid information more with, that you get big profit. And in order that your pages wanted to be visited, place on it and the free, often updated content. Or to learn the text which will interest the reader much more, than there it is written. Additional knowledge will become paid.
7. If from all aforesaid you are not able to do something, it is not obligatory to master everything. Employ the knowing people – professionals of the business. Naming specialist will think up the name of the website. The programmer will make it, the copywriter will write the advertizing text and will think up an original slogan, the rewriter will write your text so that it was unique and readable.
8. The expert on SEO will help with advance of rating of the website, and the proofreader will edit your texts that they were rather competent. The main thing is to have the rare knowledge relevant for Internet users.