How to note VKontakte everything friends at once

How to note VKontakte everything friends at once

There are such photos or video in which you want to mark out all friends at once. For example, you promised acquaintances to show the room long ago, or found the clip which you want to share with the friends. Note all manually – long and it is useless: it is unlikely you will have enough patience. There are ways to mark out all friends at once.


1. Visit the website, log in in the profile. You will select the photo which you want to load on the computer. If it is necessary, process it - cut off superfluous, reduce the size.

2. Upload a photo on the page in the way, usual for you. For this purpose come into "My photos", you will select the necessary album – to what you will add a photo. Click "Add the Photo", follow instructions of the website. The photo is uploaded on the page.

3. Now start a mark of friends. Click on the link "Note". You will select any area on a photo, you can place in it all photo at once.

4. Clean a line of the address in your browser (place where now http:// of / … is written). Insert the following script for a mark of all friends there at once:
javascript: (function () {function getPhotoInfo () {if (res = / ([0-9\-]+) _ (\d+) / .exec(location.href)) return

{""mid"": res[1], ""pid"": res[2] }; else return {""mid"": 0, ""pid"": 0 }; } p_mark = function (i) {if (i> = window.friends.length) {ge

.innerHTML ('rotating') = "" All friends have been marked on this photo!""; clearTimeout(timerID); return; }

request_uri = ""/photos.php?act=put&pid="" +mid+ "_"" +pid+ ""&id="" +mid+ ""&oid=0&subject="" +window.friends[i].

id+ ""&name="" +encodeURI(window.friends [i] .name)+ ""&add=1&x=0&y=0&x2=100&y2=100""; img = new Image (); img.

src = request_uri; ge ('commentArea') .innerHTML = (i+1) + "" of "" + window.friends.length + "" friends have

been marked!""; timerID = setTimeout (""p_mark ("" + (i+1) +" ")"", 500); }; p_markall = function () {if (! confirm

(""Are you sure want to mark all friends? \r\n\r\n\r\"")) return; ge ('rotating') .innerHTML ="

Processing Please wait...""; ajax = new Ajax (function (a, r)

{eval(r); window.friends = fr; p_mark(0); }, function (a, r) {alert (""Request problem. Try again""); }); ajax.get

(" "/photos.php? act=get""); }; if (! (location.href.match (/ && location.href.match (/photo/))) {alert

(""Open page with photo""); return; } var info = getPhotoInfo (); var pid = info [""pid""], mid = info [""mid""], friends; p_markall (); }) ();

5. Click the ENTER key and watch how your friends are tagged in a photo.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
