How to open a new window of the browser

How to open a new window of the browser

The majority of browsers allows to work on the Internet and at the same time to open several websites at once that is quite convenient. And the most important advantage - all of them open without any problem, in one click.

It is required to you

  • - the browser installed on the computer.


1. An opportunity to open new tabs and windows is supported by all Internet observers. Similar function is very useful when it is necessary to view different pages of the websites, without closing at the same time other addresses.

2. It is convenient, for example, at visit of Internet resources on which pages there are footnotes on other websites and pages where expanded information on any given concept or a subject is provided. It is quite simple to find such links as they, as a rule, are issued by blue color of a font, it is frequent with underlining.

3. When leading a computer mouse to a similar inscription the text is selected and underlined, thereby reporting that having clicked the link, you will be able to pass to the following page for more information. But in this case you immediately will leave the previous page.

4. However if to use special options of the browser, you will be able both new to open, and main to leave. For this purpose it is enough to click with the right mouse button the necessary inscription link, and then to select the operation "Open a Link in a New Tab" or "Open a Link in a New Window". If you specify a tab, it will open in the same window of the browser. You will note the second point – receive a new window.

5. The similar principle works in all observers. But the name of an option can differ a little. For example, in Mozilla Firefox it is necessary to select the Open in a New Tab or Open in a New Window item. In Google Chrome - "Open a Link in a New Tab" or "Open a Link in a New Window". The CometBird and Internet Explorer browsers also offer for links of the operation "Open in a New Tab" or "Open in a New Window".

6. And the observer of Opera, except pages of a standard type, can open the new addresses in background windows and tabs.

7. The easiest way of opening of new tabs available even to the beginning user of the computer – click on the plus sign which is located on the working panel of the browser near an open tab. In this case the empty tab will open.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
