Many frequenters of the multipleyerny Minecraft resources know about the different plug-ins introducing new opportunities in a game. Some users for certain dream to transfer the most interesting moments of such gameplay to a single game. Whether plug-ins are available for a singlpleyer?
It is required to you
- - installer on the necessary plug-in
- - some additional programs
1. The most part of plug-ins is created to provide saving a certain configuration of servers, including a set of some commands for them. In this regard remember that similar software products to you will be incredibly difficult to be transferred to a single game: too the way of their installation and functioning differs from the fact that it is necessary for a singlpleyer. Therefore if at you similar desire arises, create a game resource only for own requirements better.
2. Download an installer on it from the official Minecraft portal or from the website Bukkit, save in the folder which is specially created for such file, start it for generation of the game world, and upon completion of this process stop the server command/stop console. Find the text file ops in the formed server directory and enter the nickname there, thereby having given to themselves administrator authority. State the corresponding installations by a task of value of certain parameters in the document which is responsible for settings of the server - true (is included) or false (is switched off).
3. Download from a reliable resource the install file on a plug-in necessary to you. Log in on the server and come on it into FTP the manager - or just open the folder with the files which are responsible for its work. Just in case make their backup copy that in case of unsuccessful installation of a plug-in to roll away the server to the former version. Find among its folders designated as plugins and open it. Copy an installer on the software product necessary to you exactly there. Start the server, then stop it. The plug-in will be installed automatically and will become available already at the following input on your playground.
4. If you have no desire to hold at themselves on the computer the Minecraft server (after all it is resource-intensive), try to act a little differently. Find the versions of your favourite plug-ins adapted for a single game. For example, corresponds to the well-known WorldEdit software product allowing to change a card relief, to copy and transfer different objects from one its section to another modes of Single Player Commands. Select the plug-in installer compatible to that version of Minecraft on a reliable resource that you have a proinstallirovana.
5. Attentively study the instruction for its installation which it is normal or it is registered on that resource from where it is downloaded, or is available in the readme file archived together with it. If preliminary installation of other programs - Minecraft Forge is required, to ModLoader, etc., - and arrive. Having installed them, open a game directory. As a rule, it is possible to find it by input in the line Run of the starting menu of the %appdata %/.minecraft computer. Install a plug-in as it is required. For this purpose transfer files from its archive to the mods folder, or edit files with the .jar and .json extension, or use other recommendations of the author of this software product. Save all necessary settings and restart a game.