How to put templates on the website
Hits: 146
In an age of information technologies the existence of own website often is necessary for development, self-advertisement, distribution of the goods and promotion of projects. To create the original and beautiful website, it is not obligatory to have knowledge in the field of web programming – sometimes rather simply to install on the website which is on a paid or free hosting, a ready template. You can download a template of suitable style in any color gamma from the Internet.
1. When downloading a template of the website make sure that it is the general, and it can be used for all pages of your website. Some templates support not only the website, but also a forum – if you need connect template to a forum, do not forget to check whether the template supports forums. After the template is downloaded, pass to the website of your hosting, be authorized and open the control panel of the website. For example, if you use Ucoz service, the control panel will be in the Admin tab.
2. Having opened the control panel, pass into the section "Management of Design", and then into the section "Designer of Templates".
3. Unpack archive with the template downloaded to the computer. In addition to the folder with images of which the website consists you will need the styles.css file – the file of the stylesheet and also the tmpl.txt file in which the code of a template is placed. Open the text document with the code of a template, select all its contents, and then copy it and insert into control panels of the website in the section "Designer of Templates".
4. After that open the option "Stylesheet of CSS" in the section "Editing Templates". By means of an ordinary notepad open the styles.css file and copy its contents. Insert the copied code into the open field of the stylesheet.
5. After that pass into the section of the file manager and download in the root directory of the website all files of a template from the img folder. Also for downloading files to the server you can use any configured FTP client.
Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team