How to receive money in contact

How to receive money in contact

Digital Hits: 133

The social network "VKontakte" totals already more than 120 million users, at the same time daily attendance of the website exceeds 36 million people. Thanks to such high popularity the website became one more place of earning money on the Internet. How does it become?

It is required to you


1. Register on social network "VKontakte", mark out as much as possible friends, get acquainted with new people.

2. On the page (in the status, on an avatar or on a wall) you can place for money advertizing, links to different resources, to install banners.

3. Join the groups, subscribe to pages, evaluate photos and receive for it money.

4. Create the group devoted to other website. Promote the offered goods or services. At each click-through on the advertized resource you will earn. Further you can also apply for percent from sales volume.

5. If you have a desire to be engaged in trade, create the online store. Place information on the supplier and goods in the created group, create an album of photos of the offered product. Find suppliers who are ready to work with a payment delay. For a start you can take partial prepayment from buyers to separate risks.

6. Create the applications or games. It is not obligatory to do it independently: it is possible to contact the specialist. The resource is more popular, the more you will earn.

7. Develop new design of pages, make out groups if you have skills of work in graphics editors.

8. Get a job in the VKontakte company. Vacancies are specified at the end of the personal page of social network.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
