How to register on the dating site

How to register on the dating site - a dating site, popular in Russia, on which to themselves a great number of users already found friends and spouses. To get access to website opportunities, it is necessary to undergo simple registration procedure only.

Registration procedure

To register on the website, it is necessary to visit the homepage of the portal. Directly in the upper left corner the user it is possible to see the registration form which comprises the e-mail address and a name under which it will be provided to other visitors of the website.


In process of filling of a form in it there will be additional fields in which it is also necessary to enter information. So, after input of the e-mail address and a name it will be offered to you to specify the city of the accommodation and if you wish, it is possible even to specify the metro station. Besides, it will be required to enter date and year of birth and to select the floor, having specified what partner of a floor is necessary to you. After that click "Register".


Registration confirmation

After clicking of the Register button you will get on the page on which the system will congratulate you on registration and will inform that the password generated especially for you within 1 hour will be sent to the e-mail address specified at registration. At the same time, as a rule, in fact the password comes to e-mail within several minutes. The password generated by a system represents an accidental set of Latin letters and digits which possesses high degree of reliability. However if it seemed to you too difficult, you can change it, having followed the link specified in the letter with the password.

While you expect obtaining the password, it is worth paying the attention in the field located at the left on the page where you got after input of registration data. Here all information transferred by you which will be available as the description of your account to other users will be displayed. If you found any inaccuracies in these data or just want to change them, it is possible to make it, having clicked "Edit", located directly under this field.

At last, the last indispensable condition for completion of registration on the website is input of mobile phone number on the same page. The system will send the test code to this number to make sure that you are a living person who really wants to seize the website opportunities. At the same time you should not worry that this number will get to open access and will be able to be used by the companies sending spam in the form of SMS messages or telephone swindlers: the system guarantees that number specified by you will be used only for the purpose of ensuring check of the user with the website and will not be available to the third parties.

Having received the test code on the mobile phone, enter it in the respective field. It will cause emergence of the message "Number of mobile is confirmed, your questionnaire is activated". After that you can use all opportunities of the website.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
