The browser – from English "observer" - the program for web browsing, adding of text and other messages on the websites and other resources, exchange of e-mail and use of other types of Internet communication. On each OS there is the standard browser used "By default", but you can replace it to open Internet access through more convenient program.
1. Download and install any browser which is pleasant to you: Mozilla, Chrome, Safari, Opera or similar. The only thing, than it is possible to be guided when choosing, - your experience and personal preferences. Installation of each of these browsers is free when downloading from the website of developers of the program which, as a rule, consists of the name of the program and a prefix.
2. Start the browser. At the first start it will suggest to use it by default. You can refuse it so far and check its work. In this case the OS standard browser will remain the browser by default.
3. If you are happy with operation of the browser, replace the main with it. For this purpose come into the Tools menu. Further, depending on browser type, or in "Parameters" ("Google Chrome", "Safari"), or in "Settings".
4. In the Mozilla Firefox browser come into the Setup menu, further the Expanded and General tab. Click "Check Now". On the screen the message with the offer will appear to make the browser the main. Click "Yes".
5. For "Opera" path is as follows: the Tools menu, further "General settings" - the Expanded tab. In the menu click the line "Programs" at the left. Find the line "Check that Opera — the Browser by Default" in the appeared window. Check before this option and save settings. According to the offer of the browser click "Yes".
6. "Google Chrome" replaces the former browser by default as follows. In the menu you open the line "Parameters" on the right, further find the button "Basically" "Assign Google Chrome" the browser by default. Click it and close the menu of settings.
7. To replace the browser with "Safari", click the menu on the right, further the Setup tab. In the Main tab before the first line the comment: "Standard web browser:". After that you will see the browser set by default. Click on a line to select necessary from the list of the browsers installed on the computer.