Quite often there are cases when owners lose the domains, having forgotten to pay the logger, because of some failure in time, or as a result of fraudulent actions of the third parties. Irrespective of the reasons of loss of the domain, begin its recovery with communication with firm registrar.
It is required to you
- - passport;
- - statement;
- - money for fee.
1. The centers of registration of domains usually install the recovery periods during which the domains deleted because of failure to pay can be returned. Upon termination of this term the domain passes into a delay stage when it cannot be restored. To learn in what period there is your domain, enter the control panel to the address specified in the contract and on the website of the center of registration of domains. At the end of the procedure of removal from the register and the end of a grace period the domain can be newly registered by any person. Consider that the procedure of recovery of the domain is expensive and long – to 5 working days and more.
2. If you are registered as the domain administrator, make payment of recovery and extension of registration of the domain. Also send by e-mail a request for recovery with the indication of a domain name. In response to it to you the link for authorization which is valid within day will come. Having passed on it, you confirm the consent to recovery of the domain and payment of the corresponding services. On recovery and extension of the domain you will be informed by e-mail which address you specified in the contract. Look for details of recovery in the instruction on the website of your logger of the domain.
3. In all other cases for recovery of the domain personally visit office of firm registrar with the passport. At office write the application for recovery of the domain and pay this service according to rates of the logger. If you for any reasons cannot personally visit office, send the notarized letter. Assurance is required from the notary to prove your identity. Also enclose notarized copies of pages of your passport, the application for recovery of the domain in a free form in the letter and the receipt on payment of service of recovery and extension of registration.