How to restore the website

How to restore the website

Unfortunately, sometimes for the reasons, independent of the webmaster, there is a loss of the website. Whether there was this falling of a hosting or the hacker attack, not important, problems always arise unexpectedly and to them it is necessary to be ready, to have the backup copy of the website in a stock and to have knowledge of its recovery. Not only a lot of time and forces, but also money which are very bitter for losing because of the irresponsibility invests in a resource. It is the simplest to consider recovery of the website on the example of CMS Joomla and the Akeeba Backup component.

It is required to you

  • The computer, Internet access, the installed Akeeba Backup component, the backup copy of the website.


1. Update the Akeeba Backup component. For this purpose come into the administration panel, check whether there are updates, and surely make automatic installation if they are available. Further it is necessary to receive the catalyst of backup Kickstart. Download Akeeba Kickstart archive of the latest version from the official site of and unpack it on the computer.

2. Prepare all files for recovery of the website. Copy the last backup copy of the website on the computer. Be for this purpose connected to the website through FTP and take place www/имя_сайта/administrator/components/com_akeeba/backup/. Check that before recovery at you on the computer were available: the file of backup (has the .jpa extension) and the Kickstart folder from the downloaded archive. After that load from the computer into a root directory of your website all files from the Kickstart folder (files, but not the folder entirely) and the file of backup.

3. Carry out recovery of the website. For this purpose enter into an address bar of the www.imya_sayta/Kickstart browser. On the screen the page with information on the Akeeba Backup component will open. Thumb through up to the end and click on the link in the bottom of the text. On the opened page click "Start" (big green button), without changing anything in settings. Expect until the Start an Installer button appears (in appearance same). On the following opened page trace that in all list it was specified "Yes" everywhere. On it your work on recovery it comes to an end, necessary only to press the Next button when it about it asks an installer, and at the end of installation it will be necessary to confirm removal of installation files.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
