Long not to look for the necessary website via search engines and not to learn writing of the e-mail address by heart, it is possible to save the web page in the browser, for example, in "Opera".
It is required to you
- - Internet,
- - Opera browser.
1. Open the Opera browser. For this purpose left-click 2 times on the corresponding label on a desktop or click an icon with red letter "O" on a task bar.
2. Write the address of the website necessary to you. For this purpose click at the top of the page in an address bar where it is written "Enter the address or request for search", and type the name of the page necessary to you on the Internet. Key "Enter". If the address of the website was written correctly, before you the window with the web page necessary to you will open.
3. Create a page bookmark. At the same time key "Ctrl" and "D" or click on the page on any place where there are no links, the right mouse button and in the opened menu choose the Create a Page Bookmark command. You will see the Adding of a Bookmark window. The browser autocompletes required fields "Name" and "Create in", but if necessary you can enter data necessary to you there. If you want to assign also to a bookmark a short name and to leave the description, click a command "In more detail" and fill the respective fields. Then click "OK". After that your bookmark will be saved, and you will be able always to return to it in due time.
4. To find the necessary website, come into the section "Bookmarks". In the Opera browser it is designated by an asterisk and usually is on the left vertical panel. In the opened window all saved pages will be visible. If there is too much them, use search. In the field with a magnifying glass icon where is written "Find", print several letters from the name or the address of the website. When search displays a name of the page necessary to you, click on the link, and the required website will open.
5. Add the necessary website on the Express panel. If you often come on any web page, you can save it in an initial login window in "Opera". Open the browser and you will see before yourself several rectangles with names of the websites. The necessary web page will open automatically if to click such icon. To add the website on the Express panel, click the + icon after rectangles with links. In the opened window write the address of the necessary page and click "OK". After that the website necessary to you will appear on the Express panel. If on the panel there are too much icons and you do not use some of them long ago, you can delete unnecessary links. Right-click on an icon and click "Delete". Thus, on the Express panel there will be only pages necessary to you, and will be to find the necessary reference quickly and simply.