The situation with search of servers for their placement is familiar to many owners of the websites. After the long choice the search at last is complete – the website works, links and banners too as it should be. Statistics shows the number of visits, there were regular customers that cannot but please. And details unknown earlier begin to sadden this joyful picture: the server does not work round the clock, access for visitors to the website is complicated because of poor communication, and constant failures of the server do not allow to increase attendance.
What to do? How to select a hosting it is correct that it was not necessary to do several times in a row all work again, changing all placed references, to inform in banner services on forced (and alas - next) moving... Agree that such problems at all to anything.
Therefore it is necessary to approach the location (hosting) of your website with all responsibility. Begin the search by the following parameters:
- Way of loading on the server. Select the most convenient for yourself from protocols of loading – http or ftp.
- Evaluate the speed of operation of the server. If your website contains animation and graphic objects, then the slow server will slow down loading of pages when viewing.
- Select a possibility of placement of scripts of CGI and SSI executed on the server. Let at the beginning you do not even know, what is it. But, as we know, the appetite comes to operating time, and already after a while you will want to post various questionnaires on the website, polls and some types of banners demand from the CGI support server.
- To select a hosting correctly, it is necessary to know operating time of the server. Some of servers do not work round the clock (are disconnected for the night). And kind of you were not assured that night visitors are not enough, remember at least time zones.
- Stable operation of the server. Free servers quite often sin with systematic failures.
Therefore, having weighed all parameters and having analyzed reviews of owners of the websites of any given hosting, you will come to a conclusion that nevertheless the paid hosting will be the most acceptable option. As the prices of it are not too high, and it exceeds free servers in the level and quality of services. Especially as in connection with the big competition in the hosting market, most of owners of servers carry out actions, offering free scripts and programs. To everything to earn plus from placement of advertizing services on pages of the website.