Authorization in ICQ service is necessary for establishment of restrictions for undesirable contacts of opportunities of viewing the status, departure of messages and also performing any other actions. Any of contacts necessary to you can be authorized and added to the corresponding list.
It is required to you
- - computer;
- - ICQ program;
- - Agent application
1. Take the fact that the algorithm of actions for authorization depends on the used ICQ client into account. If you use in ICQ the QIP application, in a main window of the program (with the contact list) click the Setup button. Open the section "Antispam" in a new dialog box (in any version of the program it is in the menu at the left).
2. In the section "For Those Who Do Not Consist in My Contact List" deselect a checkbox near the record "Not Accept the Message about Authorization". In the Options point set permission to reception of messages from those users who are absent in the contact list. Then close a window, having saved the made changes.
3. Contact the user whom you want to add to your contact list, with a request to send you the corresponding request for authorization. To carry out this action, it needs to click in the list your account, and then to select in the Authorization Request context menu. After these actions you receive the message by ICQ, with a request to confirm your intention to authorize contact.
4. To perform the similar procedure in the Agent and ICQ applications, tunings of the client are not required to be performed, it is enough to ask the user who is not in the list of your contacts, to send you a request for authorization. This action is carried out the same as in the QIP program.
5. Sometimes after the procedure of confirmation of authorization the new contact appears in the list, but its status is displayed incorrectly that complicates communication. In similar cases you in return can send a request for authorization or ask the user to send you the repeated application, it usually helps to solve a problem. Also, it is possible to try to reboot the application, i.e. to apply one more way of correct completion of process of authorization.