How to send SMS to phone from the Internet

How to send SMS to phone from the Internet

It is possible to send the Sms to the mobile phone not only from other phone, but also from the computer connected to the Internet. For this purpose it is possible to use both the website of the operator, and some programs for instant messaging.


1. For sending the message from the official site of the operator come on it in the beginning, and then select in the list of regions in what there is an addressee. Then find on the homepage the reference under the name "Send the SMS" or similar.

2. Having followed the link, enter the following information:
- subscriber number;
- text of the message;
- to a kaptch.

3. Sending the "stuck together" messages from the website of the operator is impossible. If the Cyrillic message is not located in a form, type it Latin letters, or use an automatic transliteration.

4. Make sure of correctness of all entered data.

5. Press the button intended for sending the message (at different operators it can be called differently).

6. There will be a link for check of the status of the message. With its help periodically check whether it reached until sending is not successful.

7. Be not afraid that your message will appear in a cache of search engines. By the present moment practically all similar defects on the websites of operators are corrected. If you are not sure of it, contact support desk and ask the consultant as the situation with correction of these defects at your operator in your region is.

8. For sending the message through the instant messaging system make sure in the beginning that you use Mail.Ru the Agent or ICQ. Then assign to any given contact the phone number (as to make it, depends on the official or alternative client used by you, in the second case of such function in it can not be). Then select item corresponding to sending the Sms in a context menu of contact take him and send. In such a way in day it is possible to send only several messages. Surely in advance warn the recipient that the message will come from the short number, and it is better not to answer it as the answer will be rated on the increased prices. If he nevertheless answers, you will see result directly in the client.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
