How to transfer the rating of VKontakte

How to transfer the rating of VKontakte

Digital Hits: 83

The social network "VKontakte" – is very popular because it has a huge range of opportunities for communication and exchange of information - from transfer of the text before creation of groups and placement of videos. The rating was one of functions limiting or raising opportunities.


1. Today the rating is absent, and, therefore, also all limits and privileges, related are lifted. It was possible to upgrade the rating, using paid service of the website or applications. Owing to what was never told that the service is provided on a constant basis the claim to the website on return of money should not arise. More detailed information can be found on social network in the section of frequently asked questions.

2. Transfer of rating was possible thanks to vote. Too the paid service giving the chance to raise an indicator of the pen friend. Respectively now, owing to lack of option per se, manipulations with it are impossible. If under your photo the line with digits is reflected, so it is an indicator of that on how many your account is completed. To raise it – fill all fields with personal information from the photo to vacation spots. Remember that now it does not influence viewing someone else's pages or a search capability of users.

3. If you often use applications and want to receive premium objects or to make unique gifts to friends or acquaintances, use "Voices". It is a peculiar monetary unit of VKontakte. It is possible to receive votes having paid service in the way, convenient for you, or to participate in the applications giving an opportunity to receive them it is free. It is possible to spend or transfer voices to the users who are in the list of your friends. For this purpose use the Balance tab and in it the link "transfer voices to the friend".

4. The various programs and scripts suggesting to receive "Votes" free of charge may contain a virus or potential threat to your personal data. The administration of social network "VKontakte" does not offer similar services, proceeding from security policy of personal data of users.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
