The game "Escape from the Museum" is one of the best in the genre. Detective motives in a game are combined with interesting quests and levels on ingenuity. Playing the game can become pleasant pastime.
1. Not all levels of a game are identical are difficult. The simplest levela are "games on stay" in which it is necessary to collect 10 artifacts hidden by a certain principle in a minute. Levela with need belong to difficult not only to find some subject, but also to use it for an output from level. Initial level also causes an array of problems in beginners.
2. The first level "Paleontologic Museum" in a game is not the first in ease of passing at all. Key artifacts of level: mirror and rope. Take the mirror which is about the central show-window. Then it needs to be rearranged. The zone, where it is necessary to move this artifact, is lit with a beam (it is necessary to look for about the main door).
3. The first level "Paleontologic Museum" in a game is not the first in ease of passing at all. Key artifacts of level: mirror and rope. Take the mirror which is about the central show-window. Then it needs to be rearranged. The zone, where it is necessary to move this artifact, is lit with a beam (it is necessary to look for about the main door).
4. The rope is in a dresser. To get it use a rack from the beginning of level. Tie a rope to the block located over a door. Pull the block. The door will open, you will be able to pass in the second level.
5. Attentively browse a roller which is shown before passing of the next level. In it the key which is necessary for passing is always hided shifted to the Left, victories over the boss or search of path to an artifact.
6. If you cannot find path to an artifact in "Escape from the museum", come into the main menu of a game. Select the Card of Level item. Three hints which will allow you to pass an available part of a game are marked on the map.
7. You can read the script of full playing the game at a forum of fans of "Escape from the museum". Use the searcher. Attention: after reading you will be able to play step by step a game and to lose to it interest. It is more interesting to find a key to riddles independently.
8. In a game there is an opportunity to buy in addition a missing artifact. Often purchase of objects is the only output for "escape" from difficult level. Come in undressed "Shop", attentively check its range. Think what subject will help to open boxes, to defeat the boss, to crack the hatch or to make the way upward. Buy it. Return to a game, use an artifact.