How to write article to the blog

How to write article to the blog

That the blog was "live", it is necessary to fill up it at least with one new article daily. But for the inexperienced blogger the writing of article can become a serious problem: select a subject for article and issue it properly happens not so simply.


1. For a start decide on a subject. Write about what concerns you what you would like to tell about. You should not begin blogging with rewriting of others thoughts and the ideas. Write that you know well. Share the experience with the readers interesting by reflections, the original ideas.

2. You do not seek to find at once a global problem which you could state fundamentally in article. Look for subjects in everyday life, in what surrounds you and concerns exactly today.

3. Having decided on a subject, state the thoughts in a free form. Try to open a question most fully, but, at the same time you monitor article volume. Too long texts are undesirable, article volume within 1.5 - 3 thousand signs without spaces will be optimum.

4. Re-read the text. Evaluate, how logically and your thoughts are consistently stated. Try to break material into semantic parts. It will be quite good if such parts there are 2 and more. It will be much simpler to make it if before writing of article you make for yourself the approximate plan of the narration.

5. Think up heading. In order that your article attracted as much as possible readers, use statistical service. It will allow to evaluate, how often any given combination of words meets in searchers. You should not take too demanded requests. If you the beginning blogger, select the phrases which gained 6-7 thousand requests. Include this phrase in the name of article.

6. Think by what keywords the reader will be able to find your material. As a rule, it will be words or a phrase selected by you as heading or being its part. Entitle semantic parts of your article (think up subheadings). It will be quite good if in them keywords also are used.

7. Check whether keywords occur in the text of article. It is not necessary to use them in each paragraph, 2-3 times are enough to include of them. You monitor that offers with keywords sounded competently and beautifully.

8. Once again re-read the text, check it for existence of grammatical and punctuation errors.

9. Pick up several pictures or the photos illustrating the content of your article – it will recover the narration and will help to attract more readers.

10. Structure the text. Avoid too long offers. The paragraph ideally should consist of 3-5 laconic expressions. Begin each new thought with the new paragraph. Separate paragraphs from each other spaces – it considerably facilitates reading from the screen. It is very good if the text contains lists, tables, etc. Article can be placed in the blog!

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
