The beginning web designers often have a question of how to write registration for own website or to carry out installation of already ready modules of registration downloaded from the Internet. There are special ways allowing to make it quickly.
1. Decide what website you want to make. It is possible just to select the engine on which the module will be installed subsequently, or to create the small website with a hypertext marking. According to a practice, registration is necessary in order that users could use any additional parameters in the system of the website and also communicate at a forum. For such resource it is necessary to install a certain engine for management of all available categories.
2. Install the DLE engine on a hosting by means of copying of the necessary files in the root directory. Further complete installation, having opened the subsection of the website/install.php. Right after installation of the engine on the website all files should begin the work. Registration is already built-in here by default. By means of the administrator's panel you will also be able to make some advanced settings in the system of the website. The stage is necessary at installation of registration of users. In the absence of the engine and a hosting you will not be able to force the website to work properly in any way.
3. Check opposite to the Include I Smoke point if you want to enable protection against automatic registration. This function includes different digital and alphabetic codes which will need to be entered at registration. In case of several unsuccessful attempts of input of IP of the user it can be banned for some time.
4. Find in the Internet and download the registration.tpl file for installation of the module of registration of users. It is possible to create this file and independently if you understand programming. Come on a hosting and open the templates directory. Select the template set by default and start it. Copy the registration.tpl file in the open directory. After saving all changes restart the website. If in the top part the line "Register the User" appeared, so all of you made correctly.