How to write the tag

How to write the tag

In electronic textbooks on HTML it is necessary to place fragments of initial codes of pages in structure of the text. But the browser, having found triangular brackets in the text, itself will take them for tags which instead of demonstration to the user will execute. It is necessary to use codes substitutes instead of these signs. Instruction 1. It is possible to insert into the text of the electronic textbook a HTML-code fragment in the form of the image. For example, if it is called example0001.gif, the code for its insert will look so: . The lack of this way is that the reader of the textbook will not be able to copy a fragment via the buffer in the editor and to check its working capacity. 2. More convenient way consists in use instead of triangular brackets of their multicharacter codes which the browser at demonstration to the user will automatically replace with the corresponding characters. Instead of the left triangular bracket use the < code; and instead of right - "">"" (without quotes);. For example, to write the tag, use the <img src=example0001.gif> code;. 3. Also triangular brackets of tags can be shown in the text by means of other codes: for the left bracket - ""<"", and for right - "">"". For example: <img src=example0001.gif>. 4. Using the designs stated above, it is possible to force the browser to display also other signs provided that they are located within the first or second part of the classical 256-character table ASCII. In a general view these codes look so: ""&symbolname;"", where symbolname - the conditional name of a character; ""&#nnn;"", where nnn - number of a character in the table ASCII. 5. Use the designs stated above for the room in the text on the HTML page of any other signs, except triangular brackets, when using Unicode encoding there is no need. But they will be useful if it is required to insert signs ©, ¾, ¿ or similar, and the web designer has desire to start the editor of Writer, Abiword or Microsoft Word and to open the table of characters of no §. It is also possible to use this reception for fast inclusion in the text of the web page of Latin letters with umlauts: è, ö, etc. Consider that by drawing up messages in forums and also during the using of content management systems of WordPress, MediaWiki or similar, the characters placed in the text thus can not be recognized. Everything depends on the settings of "engine" made by the owner of the server.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
