VP in VK is a mutual promotion on one of the most popular social networks in Russia. It is a way of exchange of participants with other groups. It is carried out by exchange of reposts that expands coverage of group.
How to do VP VKontakte?
What is VP are an exchange of reposts, mutually beneficial cooperation on involvement of people. Mutual promotion is an opportunity to bring new subscribers into community without serious financial investments. But it is very expensive way on time. As a result the audience of similar communities sees your posts, and can register also on your page. In the presence of interesting content there is a chance to catch up to 300 people in day.
Only groups with similar contents agree to VP in VK. Female publics cooperate among themselves, pages with subject 18+, men's communities separately change. Groups the set, and is not favorable to do VP with opposite contents, then there can be a removal of some people who do not want to see other content. For this reason for VP it is necessary to select audience correctly.
VP in VK is favorable with communities with big coverage. Of course, it is possible to look at the number of subscribers, but frequent it is a false indicator. In group there can be 100 thousand people, but the majority are inactive. Also there are pages to 5 thousand subscribers, but they constantly visit community, participate in discussions. Therefore it is necessary to look at coverage, the it is higher, the more people will see your post.
What is VP? It is an advance method which works. Well thought over posts are capable to increase audience. But groups in which more than 2000 people suit this way. At the smaller number of people of expense of time will be too difficult as mutual promotion will bring 1-2 people a day, and attraction will take a lot of time.
The VP setup in VK
For a start it is necessary to find groups which do VP with similar indicators of coverage and identical audience. For this purpose there are several methods:
- search of groups on subjects through search of VK;
- selection of options among groups for VP;
- monitoring of VP at competitors.
VP is not too strongly widespread in VK. Not all owners of groups know about such method. Therefore it is possible to write administrators, to tell them about an opportunity and to agree. Someone to agree, someone will refuse. It is possible to find administrators through search. Then to write "the message to group" or to the owner directly. Searching there are no groups numbering less than 1500 people, smaller communities need to be looked for in a different way.
Special groups for VP in VK are formed every month. There it is possible to leave the wall post about desire to exchange posts. It is possible to look at the declaration of other people and to respond to their offer. Frequent posting on such resources is capable to lead to blocking of the account, you should not be fond.
Groups for VP can be found also at competitors. Just observe — with whom they change, and then contact administrators of these pages. The whole communities where people regularly exchange posts are sometimes created. It is favorable to all participants.
The contents of the offer on VP should be specific, sending it to administrators, it is necessary to be polite and to provide at once the necessary data. It is worth specifying the name of the group, target audience, the link to a public and the link to statistics. Having studied this information, the owner of other resource will respond to the request.
Result of VP
There is no uniform statistics on an occasion of mutual promotion, results of VP can change. Everything depends on features of audience, uniqueness of content and so forth. But the public with 10 thousand subscribers can per day will increase by 100-150 people at 30-50 VP. Indicators can reach also 300 people, but it is a rarity.
In summer months the activity of a subscription decreases. The trend is observed in all networks. Small activity and on the weekend in the summer. Even advertizing in VK on Saturday often costs 10-15% cheaper, than in other days.
VP do also large publics. But they are interested only in equal partners therefore they can pay for a repost. Often it is equated to advertizing, and cost is high. But it is possible to talk about lack of "sales" and additional references, and it sometimes gives the chance "beat down" the price.
What are VP, what its rules
Mutual promotion in VKontakte becomes for a certain time. The post of other community is often left at several o'clock, and then is removed from group. It is more convenient to use exchange of reposts for 2-3 hours. Term is discussed in advance.
- VP in VK is not advertizing therefore nobody guarantees that it will hang on the first place hour or more. Therefore right after VP it is possible to spread new messages or to do the next VP.
- It is not recommended to repeat mutual promotion with the same groups every day. It is better to alternate posts at an interval of 1-3 days. It is ideal to make the diagram VP for the week ahead and to work according to it.
- You should not violate arrangements and to delete messages earlier. Most of administrators check existence of a response post and term of its placement. Honesty — guarantee of mutually beneficial cooperation.
- The maximum quantity of posts in communities VKontakte is limited. In day it is authorized to add no more than 50 messages. And even if a part will be removed, all the same it is not recommended to pass a limit.
It is convenient, favorable to do VP in VK and it is even interesting. But to receive good result, it is necessary to do a great job. Creation of the diagram VP, communication with owners of other communities, control of VP and cleaning of group from someone else's messages — it is not difficult, but requires time.