What is dead links

What is dead links

Dead links, or "links in" periodically meet anywhere to each user of a world wide web who passes from the website to the website. Thanks to them visitors of the websites also see so usual and at the same time unloved "error 404".

Links are a so-called skeleton of the Internet. They connect billions of documents which are in a world wide web. Such documents are not only web pages – them can be both separate images, and text documents, and musical files, and any other types of information. With development of the Internet, more often on open spaces of network the term "dead link" began to appear.

The dead link in itself is the link indicating the nonexistent place in network whether it be the whole website, the separate page or the specific file. If to compare all Internet to the map of the city, then the dead link can be presented in the form of nonexistent house number on the card. That is, on the card the house is, and it is not in life.


Speaking to technical words, the link is a uniform pointer of a resource (from English URL – Uniform Resource Locator). And if this resource does not exist, then the link is called bit.

From where do dead links undertake?

The reasons for which dead links appear in network, a little. Among the most widespread – obsolescence of information, technical failure or a human factor.

The Internet – as a huge living organism which constantly lives and develops. And the page which existed yesterday can be remote today. There is a lot of reasons for that: the page was decided to be deleted for any of several reasons; the website could change the structure in such a way that the page on which the link conducts changed the address and is not available according to the former link any more. After all, the website could just stop the existence, and links to it – to remain.

Technical failure is meant as incorrect publication of the link, for example, at a forum. Some forums reduce long links and there are cases when the user tries to place the correct, working reference, and as a result it turns out beaten.

At last, a human factor – when the user at placement of the link takes her manually instead of copying. In case of a typo, the dead link conducting on the nonexistent website turns out. By the way, there are people who by means of the special software scan the Internet regarding existence of such links which conduct on other domains, for the purpose of their subsequent registration.

Dead links and search engines

Search engines, such as Google or Yandex, scan the Internet by means of links therefore if you are an owner of the website, then you should monitor that on your website there were no dead links. Dead links lead "nowhere" and can give a large number of such references on the website in some sanctions from search engines, such for example as lowering in search delivery on any given requests.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
