What types of ip exist

What types of ip exist

The IP address - unique number which is possessed by almost all network devices. There are several types of the IP addresses, each of which is responsible for a certain parameter.

What is the IP address?

The IP addresses are represented by several numbers: either 32-bit, or 128-bit, depending on the used version for connection. Each IP address registers in the form of four numbers in a ten-digit numeral system, and they are separated among themselves by means of points. For example, the IP address can look as follows: The IP address in itself consists of two elements: the network number and number of the used node. It should be noted that if computers are in a local area network, then the IP address will be distributed directly system administrator from the addresses which are backed up in advance. If the computer is connected to a wide area network, then the IP address will be given by Internet service provider.

Types of the IP addresses


The IP addresses can differ among themselves not only with numbers, but also the view. In total four types of the IP addresses, it are selected: foreign address, internal, static and also dynamic. Each of these types has the unique features, merits and demerits. For example, if the user of the personal computer possesses the external IP address, he with ease can make so that other people from the Internet, even at what the provider differs from used were connected to it. The internal IP address - the complete antithesis of the previous option. In this case those people who have a provider not such, as at the user will not be able to be connected to network. The static IP address means itself that the user's IP address will always be same and will never change. It should be noted an essential lack of such address which is that in case of blocking of the user on any resource, it will not be able already to be restored in any way. The dynamic IP address - the address which changes all the time when the user carries out a new entrance to the Internet reboots the router or the modem or reboots, that is the address changes at each new connection.

As a result it turns out that there can be only four types of the IP addresses: external static, external dynamic, internal static or internal dynamic. External static means that all people and IP never can be connected will change. External dynamic - also everyone will be able to be connected, only at each new connection it is necessary to give to people the new address. Internal static - only those people which have similar provider with the user distributing network will be able to be connected, and the address will not change. Internal dynamic means that the address will always change and its all the time will need to be given to people and at the same time, only people with identical provider can be connected.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
