Where to find an oasis in the game STALKER call of Pripyat

Where to find an oasis in the game STALKER call of Pripyat

Mysterious Oasis – one of light legends of a gloomy and unfriendly Exclusion zone. They say that it cures any wounds that there the world and rest reigns and even monsters are friendly to the person. Whether so it, the player should find out.

Search of the Oasis on the earth

When in the wanderings on the Zone you visit the bunker of scientists, professor Ozyorsk will give to your hero quest on search of a mysterious Oasis. To receive though some information about it, ask about it stalkers from different groupings. From these inquiries you learn that the Oasis definitely exists, but its location remains a riddle.

The ventilating complex will be the most probable place of its stay. Having explored the extensive territory, you will not be able to get inside though from below definitely there are some rooms.


Having failed, turn on the West and reach the old halt. Come inside and look round. For the normal halt there are too much doors and monsters here therefore look for those passes which conduct down. Shoot or break a knife the driven-in door and engage with zombie stalkers behind it.

Search of the Oasis underground

Fights in underground tunnels differ in big strength. Zombie stalkers are dressed in exoskeletons and armed with powerful weapon. Shooting at the case, it will be difficult to do them harm, and their response queues are capable to tear the player in a narrow tunnel on a part. The best option is to hit precisely with queues it into the heads, however and here everything is not so simple. The jerboas who flooded these tunnels aim to stick to you into legs, forcing down a sight. The player should turn all the time, aiming in the zombie and managing to shoot brisk monstrik.

Having passed through a live barrier from monsters, select those which conduct down and on the East, to a ventilating complex from all passes. The corridor with an abnormal bulb where you will be found by autosave will be the final of your wanderings.

Enter the dark hall with ranks of columns. To reach the end of the hall, you should select the correct pass between them. In case of failure teleports you to the room with the emergency lamp.

To pass the hall up to the end, go as follows: pass through 1 number of columns through the 2nd pass at the left. In confirmation of what all of you made correctly the passable arch will begin to shine illusive light. Pass the 2nd number of columns through the 4th pass at the left. The 3rd number of columns can be passed through the 3rd pass. The last, 4th row, pass through 1 arch.

Now you will enter the big room where in the middle in a pool of water there is a strange shining plant. Having approached closer, you will be able to identify it as an artifact "Oasis Heart".

Break an artifact and rush to the ladder conducting upward. Do not pay attention to the appeared monster – he is immortal also your only rescue in speed. Having got on a ladder, you will appear out of reach of a creature. Climb to an output and tell professor Ozyorsk about the found Oasis.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
