How to return letters on Yandex

How to return letters on Yandex

E-mail can be used for business or friendly correspondence. But often together with useful information on it spam together with which by mistake it is possible to delete also important letters arrives. Then there is a question of how they can be restored.

How to find e-mail the address

How to find e-mail the address

Often users of a world wide web should look for the e-mail address of the familiar person, and sometimes even unfamiliar. This task is at the moment much simpler, than few years ago. Now there are more resources which are able to afford to make it. Let's consider options of search of the postal addresses.

How to find e-mail by last name

How to find e-mail by last name

Users of a wide area network often come up against a situation when it is necessary to find the e-mail address of any person, knowing its data (name, a surname). Now this task can be solved by means of resources, especially for it intended.

How to send the folder with files by e-mail

How to send the folder with files by e-mail

If the folder contains some files, it is possible to transport its contents by e-mail, having attached to the letter each file separately and having specified the name of the folder in the text. The recipient will be able independently to create the folder with such name and to place in it the sent files. However if in the folder dozens of files, this operation takes away the lot of time and traffic. It is more convenient to use the program archiver for packaging of the folder together with contents in one file.

As on mail to restore remote letters

As on mail to restore remote letters

The electronic mailbox on the Mail.Ru server has, as well as many similar modern programs, the convenient user interface. Letters are sorted according to folders here: "Entering", "Sent", "Draft copies", "Spam" and "Basket". All that is removed the client of this resource gets to "Basket".