How to transfer mail to other box

How to transfer mail to other box

Old cloud mail services gradually consign to the past, giving way more advanced - such as Gmail and icloud Mail.

However, upon transition to other mailbox there is a question - and how to save all old mail?

How to export the Outlook mail

How to export the Outlook mail

The Outlook application entering office Microsoft Office package is one of the most often used e-mail clients. The program stores all letters in files of own format. However it is possible to export the Outlook mail in the type of data, suitable for further processing.

How to restore remote messages by mail

How to restore remote messages by mail

Daily different messages come to our e-mail. It can be business correspondence, messages from friends, information mailings or spam. How not to get confused in the large volume of information and what to do if together with spam from a mailbox valuable information was deleted?

How to export letters

How to export letters

The situation when the message received on e-mail needs to be redirected to other users, meets quite often. All services e-mail help to facilitate this task.

How to restore entering

How to restore entering

If you accidentally deleted all incoming messages of e-mail, do not despair. Though it is possible to restore folder contents not always, but it is worth trying as chances to return messages are rather high.