10 best summer cocktails

10 best summer cocktails

During the scorching summer city heat each person dreams to come to be in a quiet corner and to enjoy taste of cool cocktail under splash of waves and whiff of a breeze.

Not only ice cream, cool tea, refrigerated juices and kvass, but also tasty summer cocktails will help to escape from a summer heat to you.

You without effort will be able to prepare top-10 the best summer cocktails. Only glasses, fruit and ice will be necessary for you.

1. Lemonade which homeland is France is one of the most popular drinks lighting during a summer heat. It is simple to make this drink: add sugar and several lemons to a glass of water.

2. The nonalcoholic mojito representing mix of a lime and mint. A half of a lime or a lemon is added to sparkling water, then the branch of mint and several berries of strawberry, and is filled in further with syrup.

3. Nonalcoholic bloody Mary. Connect 100 g of tomato and 20 g of lemon juice, then to taste add salt, the Worcester sauce, a black pepper and ice.

4. Useful greens. In the summer the cocktails made from a citrus, a celery, ginger, cherries, etc. are good.

5. Julep. For preparation of a julep from oranges you need to mix 100 g of orange juice, 20 g of lemon juice, and then to add mint syrup and a small amount of honey.

6. Smoothie. Take yogurt, add to it 1 cucumber and tomato, it is a little onions and celery, to taste of salt, pepper and Tabasco and popular smoothie is ready.

7. Lass. Traditional Indian lass is cooked from fruit, ice, yogurt, water and to taste granulated sugar, salt and various spices undertake.

8. The coffee frappe (cooled with coffee). It is possible to make this traditionally Greek drink: in a glass glass shake up a portion of espresso, sugar and it is a little water. For taste add milk, it is a little ice cream or chocolate.

9. Devyat-kobler. Kobler at the same time designates both pie, and cocktail. For quince Kobler's preparation it will be required to you: quince juice with pulp, lemon juice and 1 banana. Mix all ingredients and add ice.

10. Fruit tea. Probably, the most popular and useful drink in a summer scorching heat is a cool tea. Tea tones up and very well satisfies thirst. Take a green tea, add to it lemon segment, a mint branch, several segments of orange and grapefruit and couple of spoons of pomegranate juice, then cool.

Joyful summer days, warm sun and tasty cool cocktails!

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
