there was very popular one of categories of bodybuilding – fitness – bikini. Who such fitness – girls and what the category is?
Fitness bikini – one of new categories in bodybuilding in which girls of a sports, well-groomed constitution compete with certain parameters and the most natural female outlines.
But, as well as in any kind of sport, the lot of time on trainings, a dream and food is required. The main factor in the structure of a qualitative, sports body is the healthy nutrition. So, let's consider 10 principles of food fitness – girls:
- In food fitness - girls fresh products have to be obligatory. It is impossible to eat greasy food and semi-finished products at all.
- In a day it is necessary to eat from 2-4 plates of fresh salads.
- The standard daily rate of water has to be from 3-4 liters. Unfortunately, the majority do not drink also a half of specified.
- Every day you have to use low-fat protein, standard daily rate of a diet which has to be 1/3. Products which belong with low-fat to protein sources: chicken breast, fish, turkey, egg whites and fermented milk products. Protein has to be present constantly, at any of meals. It will allow to normalize sugar level in blood and to control hunger, that is gives sense of fulness.
- Correct fats, but without fanaticism. 5-6 walnuts will be sufficient and a tablespoon of sesame or linseed oil in the morning on an empty stomach + to fats from a source of protein will precisely supply our organism with enough the necessary fats.
- The forbidden products: bread, white rice, pasta, confectionery.
- No to alcohol. Alcohol completely stops processes of processing of fats as energy, slows down a metabolism. Thereby you every time come back.
- It is necessary to eat very often and small portions, each 2-3 hours.
- Apply protein mixes, but without artificial flavoring additives and substitute of sugar.
- It is necessary to dream in kitchen that the same constantly did not become boring. And it is very important factor.
All these 10 principles of food fitness - girls very remarkable and certainly will yield to you fast result, but whether you will be able to hold on on such food. One should be told in end that there would be desire – everything it is possible to overcome and accustom to live in this world of as you and your body need it. Will powers to you and patience!)