It is known that the general state of health of the person depends on healthy nutrition. The indicator of life expectancy of certain ethnic groups can serve as one of the main criteria of healthy nutrition. Residents of the Caucasus differ in the longevity. So enters their food allowance?
1. Fermented milk products. Consumption of a dairy products provides healthy intestinal microflora, increases protective properties of an organism, reduces risk of oncological diseases. Milk residents of the Caucasus drink goat or cow - boiled or sour (akhartsva), is frequent with honey. Special ferments and a compounding of fermented milk products allow to make useful drinks - ayran, a yogurt, Narine.
2. Cheeses. Cheeses are easily acquired. The nutritious and balanced proteinaceous and fat complex which contains 20-30% of fat and 20-25% of protein is a part of cheese. It and the well-known cheese of suluguni, sour-milk cheese of an ashvadz, ашвчапан - like suluguni, filled with cheese with mint and filled in with hot sauce from amasi. Also traditional burdyuchny cheese (ачаюр), cream (ачхат), curds (akhacha), smoked cheese is popular (ашв a ryua).
3. Meat. Goat's meat, mutton, beef are most of all appreciated. One of festive dishes - I hinkat. Broth with mutton and flat cakes from the test, made manually. Residents of the Caucasus of pork, horse-flesh don't eat, even treat fish carefully. Also in food the game is consumed. A traditional dish - the chickens and hens fried on a spit, boiled chicken meat with adjika, a stewed meat of birds in nut sauce with greens.
4. Medical. In food of long-livers a specific place is held by honey. It is used regularly. To sweeties the relation reserved. Traditionally cook sweet dishes - churchkhela kernel of walnuts, candied in uparenny grape juice, a praise, love halvah, sweet fruit.
5. Wine. In a daily meal of long-livers it is accepted to drink about 3 glasses of low alcohol domestic wine.
6. Hot spices and spicery. Caucasian cuisine is simply inconceivable without hot spices. Adjika is always present at a table. It is hot spice. Consists on 1/4 of burning paprika to which add garlic, it is a little salt and spice. All dishes can be flavored plentifully with spicery - a basil, cilantro, mint, fennel.
7. Corn. Kururuza plays a role in prevention of atherosclerosis, urolithic disease, obesity, diabetes, prostatitis. Eat boiled corn, cook a hominy - rather thin cornmeal mush with amasi, sometimes with nut oil, bake flat cakes and small loafs from corn.
8. Walnuts. Caloric content of walnuts is 7 times higher than some beef meat. Walnuts contain proteins necessary for the person, greasy oil, carbohydrates and amino acids. Walnuts are an irreplaceable component of many meat, vegetable, dairy and farinaceous dishes. Do nut oil, nut sauce of nuts.
9. Wild-growing edible plants - a ramson, портулак, a nettle, a shchiritsa, a sverbiga, сусак. These wild-growing edible plants use as a stuffing, add to salads and hot dishes.
10. Vegetables and fruit. Contents in vegetables of cellulose sosobstvut to digestion improvement, reduces risk of cardiovascular diseases. At a diet there is a various quantity of vegetable salads with addition of onions, cabbage, green beans, a tops of vegetable of beet, cilantro. Thanks to the southern climate in the Caucasus a lot of citrus, a tea-plant, persimmon, a feijoa, a kiwi, grapes grows.