Apples – a product which is in our diet all the year round. But the few know, this wonderful fruit is how really useful. Make apples an integral part of your dining table and get prettier with taste!
1. Beautiful figure.
Apples contain a lot of cellulose which excellently improves digestion and a metabolism. Besides apples contain very few calories therefore they are often included in different types of diets. Besides these fruit have diuretic effect that also plays an important role at clarification of an organism.
2. Beautiful skin.
Expression "rejuvenating apples" appeared not accidentally. Apples really promote improvement of a condition of skin and are even capable to smooth small wrinkles.
3. Fight against a stress.
Group B vitamins with which apples are rich give fine support to nervous system.
4. Healthy teeth.
Gnaw apple every time after a meal. It will help to remove a dental plaque and to exempt interdental space from the food remains, thereby having protected your teeth from caries
5. Improvement of work of a brain.
Scientific research showed that regular consumption of fresh apple juice interferes with aging of a brain. So during hard work or study instead of chocolate make a choice for juicy apple.
6. Protection against cholesterol.
Fibers of apples are capable to connect fats that leads to stabilization of level of cholesterol in an organism. According to scientific research, consumption of 2 apples in day is capable to reduce cholesterol content by 16%. It, in turn, improves work of heart and vessels, reduces the probability of developing of a heart attack.
7. Prevention of diabetes.
And again wonderful effect of apple cellulose. It has ability to reduce fluctuations of sugar in blood, thereby significantly reducing chances of a disease of diabetes.
8. Prevention of cancer.
The numerous researches conducted worldwide showed that regular consumption of apples prevents growth of cancer cells in a mammary gland, a liver and a great gut.
9. Protection of a liver and gall bladder.
Apples actively participate in a detoxication of a liver and protect from formation of stones in a gall bladder.