4 unusual usual bananas dishes

4 unusual usual bananas dishes

It appears, from the most usual bananas it is possible to prepare a set of original desserts. These fruit are incredibly tasty not only fresh, also with success fry them in a frying pan and bake in an oven. Try to make also you of habitual bananas something interesting.

Obsypny bananas


  • ripe bananas
  • liquid honey
  • grated chocolate
  • the crushed cookies
  • the crushed nuts
  • coconut flakes


Exempt bananas from a peel, cut exactly in the middle across. In each of the turned-out halves thrust on a long wooden skewer. Now dip pieces of bananas in honey, and then plentifully sprinkle them with chocolate or coconut flakes, crumbs of cookies or nuts. Before giving put in glasses.

Bananas of a flambe


  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 50 g of a desi
  • 2 tablespoons of cane (brown) sugar
  • 2-4 balls of ice cream


On moderate fire kindle a desi in a wide frying pan. Add a refiner syrup and mix mix a scapula. Cut the peeled bananas lengthways on 2 parts, place in a frying pan. Fry at first with one, and then on the other hand. Lay out on a plate, give hot, having served frozen and grated chocolate.

Bananas grills


  • 4 ripe bananas
  • 4 thin slices of brisket
  • sugar
  • chopped nuts
  • cinnamon


Cut the peeled bananas lengthways on 2 equal parts. Mix granulated sugar with cinnamon and nuts. Lay out the turned-out stuffing on each half of banana. Now put halves on two and wind with brisket pieces. Bake on a grill within 10 minutes.

  • Council: If you are confused by an unusual combination of brisket and banana, then it is possible not to use brisket, and instead to water the baked bananas with honey and to strew with grated chocolate.

Bananas in the test


  • ripe bananas
  • icing sugar
  • vegetable oil for hot fan

For the test

  • 1 glass of flour
  • 1/2 glasses of milk
  • 1 egg
  • soda on a knife tip


Exempt bananas from a peel, and then cut across on 3 piece, approximately equal by the size. Knead dough of rather weak body and dip into it pieces of bananas. Warm sunflower oil in a deep frying pan and fry bananas in batter before emergence of a golden crust from all directions. Before giving strew a dessert with icing sugar.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
