To cope with small hypostases, sometimes it is enough to reconsider the diet and to include in it those products which will help to remove excess water.
1. The citrus and other fruit rich with vitamin C - they help to bring excess liquid out of an organism and interfere with its excess accumulation. For prevention of hypostases it is enough to use on 1 orange or a kiwi a day.
2. Broth of a dogrose works as well as a citrus. For preparation of drink fill in 2 tablespoons of the pounded berries of a dogrose of 500 ml of boiled water, let's infuse within 6 hours, before the use filter.
3. Fresh greens - parsley, fennel and green onions - struggle with hypostases rather effectively. It is possible to add them to dishes or to make here such drink: 800 g of parsley to fill in 500 ml of milk, to put on a plate and to melt while there is no liquid left in number of 1 glass.
4. A cranberry - the real well of vitamins, and drinks with addition of this berry, for example, fruit drinks, are capable to save from accumulation in an organism of excess water effectively.
5. Apples - will help to cope with hypostases both fresh, and dried fruits. It is possible to make such drink: To fill in 2 tablespoons of dried apples with 2 glasses of boiled water, to insist within 10 minutes. Add a honey spoon for taste.
6. The saltwater fish contains a lot of protein and vitamin D. The recommended day portion - 150 grams.
7. Water. Can provoke hypostases both a shortcoming, and a liquid surplus. Optimum norm of water which it is necessary to drink daily - about 1.5 liters.
8. Salt. Paradoxically, but both the surplus, and total rejection of salt can lead to a liquid delay, in the latter case the organism will lack sodium. Day norm of salt - no more than 1 h a spoon.