Absolute choice of dietary bread

Absolute choice of dietary bread

– to all the head therefore it is almost impossible to refuse this lodger of a dining table, is for this purpose necessary special preparation and excellent endurance. And send councils of those who say that without bread many nutrients do not come to an organism where far away because it is a complete nonsense!

But nevertheless, the healthy nutrition which can be daily for some reasons sports and dietary, requires application of special grades of bread which contain many nutrients, easily usvoyaemy an organism.

  1. Bread of a rough grinding which is made of flour of the second grade on fresh water without addition of yeast and other components which cause swelling and loosening. And it is possible to add still some bran, but any grade of other flour (the highest and the first grade).
  2. Bread – is made by Otrubna of otrubny flour without addition of any additives. It is an analog of a variation of bread of a rough grinding
  3. Rice bread – is cooked on the basis of rice flour, and rice has to be not too peeled from a rice peel too. Without addition of additives.
  4. Cornbread is cooked on the basis of cornmeal with parts of the corn, it impacts to bread special relish and usefulness. Also prepares without various additions.
  5. There is an option of use of the Borodino bread or as it is called – black, but I not especially recommend it as it causes processes of fermentation in intestines in some types of people.
  6. The simple lavash is an option of preparation of a usual lavash from plain flour. It is possible to buy in certain markets or supermarkets, and without addition of sugar.

But the most important rule of the use of all types of bread – eat it in a freshly cooked look and use generally for tomorrow and less often – during the lunchtime.

Long ago (to read about two years ago we wrote all truth about bread, we advise also, interesting article) And here scientists of Israel go on for a long time - Bread not to all the head, - it is also interesting to read to see bread from all directions. God bless you!

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Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
