Advantage and harm of a basil, its structure and application

Advantage and harm of a basil, its structure and application

In modern cookery use of a large number of various herbs surprises nobody any more. It is possible to add them in a fresh or dry look, habitual for our area or more exotic, to combine several herbs or to use a single plant. It is no secret, what these grasses simple by sight have not only unique tastes, but also extremely positively affect health. And the basil is not in it an exception.

What for spice?

The basil is an annual grassy plant from 30 to 60 cm high. It is at the same time both spicy and medicinal therefore it is used as culinary, and in the medical purposes.

The Southern Asia is considered the homeland — there it is used more than 5 thousand years. To Europe the plant got to time of war with which Alexander of Macedon in series of trophies brought also unprecedented to them earlier spicy grass.

Whether you know? In the homeland of a plant in Asia the basil has the name Reggane or reykhan that means fragrant.


Types of grades of a basil there is a huge set — about 70. All of them have the unique aroma and taste that is important for cooks and gourmets of the different countries. But in our area 2 views are most known and popular: green and violet (or red). Let's consider them in more detail.


This grade is most popular in the countries of the Mediterranean (France, Italy, Morocco, Egypt). Has a peppery and cool smell and fresh taste with a taste of bitterness.

It is harmoniously combined with all vegetables, but especially with tomatoes therefore it is often added to various tomato sauces and strew from above pizzas. The green basil can be used safely in meat, fish and various cheeses dishes (especially with mozzarella). Let's well combine also with other spices, such as:

  • rosemary;
  • thyme;
  • marjoram;
  • parsley;
  • mint;
  • tarragon.

The combination with a coriander as their combination gives unpleasant soap smack is considered unsuccessful.


It is more used in the countries of Asia (Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan). Smell of a violet basil less intensive, than green. It is in the best way combined with tomatoes, sweet pepper, eggplants, cucumbers and especially with arugula. In the Caucasus without this plant — it is added to meat, a bird, bean, to cheeses anywhere. Also it is used in dessert drinks, and still do special pink tea with a lemon of it. By and large, these grades of a basil have no fundamental differences. But traditions of many culinary cultures prefer the concrete look, it should be considered in preparation of dishes.

We advise to learn, than fresh greens are useful.

Vitamins and mineral substances

Vitamin-rich and minerals of basilicas is not only fragrant addition in cookery, but also a plant, useful to an organism. This advantage is caused by various structure.


  • A;
  • With;
  • E;
  • K;
  • group B (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9).


  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium.


  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • copper;
  • hardware;
  • manganese.

Caloric content and nutrition value of spice

In 100 g of a fresh basil of only 23 kcal that makes 1.62% of average standard daily rate.

Nutrition value of a basil (on 100 g of a product):

  • water — 92.06 g;
  • proteins — 3.15 g;
  • fats — 0.64 g;
  • carbohydrates — 1.05 g;
  • cellulose (food fibers) — 1.6 g;
  • ashes — 1.5 g.

The plant is obliged by the unusual aroma and various useful properties to essential oil. Depending on a grade, its quantity in structure can fluctuate from 0.2% to 1.5%.

In what advantage of a basil

In a basilica both leaves, and seeds are useful. They have many similar or identical properties, but some of their abilities differ as impact on a human body.

Whether you know? In India the basil is considered the second sacred plant after a lotus.


Plant leaves which are to a large extent used in preparation of dishes have a set of qualities, positive for our health:

  • are applied at treatment of cold and different types of cough;
  • effectively help with fight against heart troubles;
  • regulate digestive processes and adjust work of digestive tract;
  • eliminate a hiccups;
  • facilitate various food frustration, calm emetic desires and vomiting;
  • are used at skin diseases of different types;
  • help at asthma;
  • have the calming action on nervous system;
  • normalize high arterial blood pressure.


Seeds of a plant have properties, not less important and useful to an organism:

  • antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial, antioxidant and spazmolitichesky;
  • regulate sugar level in blood at people with type 2 diabetes;
  • render laxative effect, are applied to simplification of an abdominal distension and indigestions;
  • help at treatment of cold and cough;
  • are good antidepressant, eliminate migraines;
  • seeds oil is used for treatment of infections of skin and various cuts;
  • lower cholesterol level in blood;
  • positively affect a condition of hair, doing them strong and brilliant.

Such spices as fennel, turmeric, ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon recommend to use for prevention of flu.

Whether properties when drying are lost

The basil is very widespread and available plant therefore many during the summer period prepare it for the future. If it is correct to do it, then useful properties of a plant to remain and will support your organism in cold time of the year.

It is possible to dry it both bunches, and separate branches and leaves. The main moment in this process is temperature. At too high essential oils quickly evaporate, and with them together both aroma, and advantage therefore it is better to dry up gradually at room. It is possible to do it on a baking sheet, sheets of paper or a gauze. It is necessary to provide indoors good ventilation and to stir slowly regularly a plant. It is possible to use also an oven or the microwave oven, but in this case temperature will be higher, and advantage, respectively, lower. If already and to use this method, then on the most minimum heating.

So if to stock up with patience, then it is possible to create stocks of a dry and useful plant for the winter.

Whether it is possible

During pregnancy and the first months of life of the child women should treat the health very accurately. It concerns and food, that as as mother eats, directly affects health of the kid.

To pregnant women

During pregnancy it is worth being careful with this plant as it has the toning properties and can be dangerous to the kid. Use of a basil is possible only not often and in small doses not to provoke risk of an abortion and premature birth.

Important! The women having problems with arterial blood pressure (hypertension and frequent jumps) cannot use a grass in the menu.

But external application is forbidden to nobody. The spicy grass is used in the form of inhalations at catarrhal diseases and broth for problems with a mouth or eyes.


Having normal reaction to a plant, it can be used after heat treatment in various dishes in the first months of feeding. After 3-4 months it is possible to add to a diet also fresh greens.

If mother or the child had allergic reactions, then it is better to hold off a basil and to leave it for some time, and then to repeat attempt.

How competently to choose a basil

That the plant brought pleasure and benefit, it needs to be chosen attentively. If you have no experience in purchase of this plant, listen to advice which will help you to make the correct decision at a counter.


Such option is the most reasonable, having bought a healthy and fresh plant it is always possible to dry or freeze it. Choosing a basil, pay attention to its such characteristics:

  • color is saturated and bright, irrespective of a grade;
  • condition of leaves — they are elastic and fresh;
  • if to pound a leaf in a hand, then the strong aroma instantly has to appear;
  • on a surface there is no raid, spots or damages.

It is possible to buy both a plant in containers, and the bunches standing in water. Both options are acceptable, but in the first it is necessary to examine on integrity also capacity, to take an interest in an expiration date. The second option absolutely normal, greens is stored in water much better, without losing a look and properties.

Important! The lack of a pronounced smell of essential oils says that at cultivation of a basil a large amount of chemicals was used and the plant is poisonous.

If you noticed something strange (for example, a mold smell, dry branches or leaves), then you should not buy such product. It can be not only is not useful, but also is dangerous.


If you stopped the choice on such basil, then it is worth knowing, as there are rules. But they it is much simpler, the most important is an expiration date and integrity of the package. If these 2 criteria as it should be, then it is possible not to be afraid for quality of a product.

It is also best of all to buy spice from the checked brands at which in structure not to be registered any impurity and additives.

Features of use of cosmetic properties

The plant has a set of advantages which do it applicable in different spheres including in house cosmetology. Its properties both are useful to face skin, and to hair.

Face packs

Has various positive impact on skin of basilicas:

  • removes inflammation;
  • normalizes work of sebaceous glands;
  • strengthens walls of capillaries;
  • struggles with an acne disease;
  • reduces age shows of leather;
  • softens epidermis, does it to more smooth.

For the inflamed and reddened skin 1 tablespoon of the crushed leaves to fill in Musk with 1 glass of boiled water. To insist 15 minutes, after to impregnate with broth a cotton pad and to wipe a face. In 30 minutes to wash away cool water. Such mask will calm skin and will remove reddenings. It is possible to do it regularly, several times a week.

Mask from black dots on a face

To moisten fresh leaves of a plant with water of room temperature and to lay over a nose and places of the greatest congestion of black dots. To lay down and relax, and in 5 minutes to put away a mask and to wash a face cool water. Such means perfectly cleans pores, eliminating pollution. 1-2 times a week are suitable for regular use.

Masks for hair

The basil also is not less useful to hair as it improves blood circulation that is an important component of health of hair.

Mask against dandruff It is necessary to mix 50 g of dry powder of mustard and 50 g of white henna with a yolk of 1 egg. Add 4-5 drops of essential oil of a basil to them and carefully mix all this. The mask is applied on dry hair with massage movements. Having wrapped up the head, it is necessary to wait 20 minutes then to wash hair warm flowing water. It is better to use this means 2-3 times a week.

Nutritious mask for hair

For preparation of this means it is necessary to take 1 glass of the fresh cut grass, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and on couple of drops of essential oils of a geranium and rosemary, and essential oil of a basil should be added slightly more — about 4-5 drops. To crush all this in the blender and to apply on roots of hair. To keep on the head of 30-40 minutes under a film and a towel. To wash away warm flowing water. It is possible to do a mask 1 time in 3 days to owners of an oily hair and 1 times in 5 days if hair dry.

How to lose weight by means of a basil

The plant is very useful to people which suffer from excessive weight and are adjusted to deal with this problem. Of course, in itself it will not solve a problem, but in a complex with healthy nutrition and necessary physical activity will render the necessary effect. The basil helps digestion of food and accelerates metabolism process.

It is necessary to use for weight loss plant seeds. They are on sale in various specialized shops of healthy food and differ from landing material. They are added to various dietary dishes and also do broth (to draw 1 teaspoon of seeds on 100 ml of liquid 5 minutes, healthy drink is ready to add juice or yogurt –).

Useful products for persons interested to lose weight are also broccoli, a cauliflower, a celery, a lemon, spinach, an asparagus, cowberry.

Also bathtubs with basil broth will not prevent you. They perfectly remove the toxins which accumulated in a body and also excess liquid. The improved condition of skin will become a pleasant bonus.

Useful just will and add dry or fresh greens to dishes in your diet. Meat, fish, vegetables – a basil is harmoniously combined with everything! At the correct and regular use of a plant you considerably will accelerate weight loss process, at the same time without doing to a body any harm.

Basil and medicine

The plant is used both in medications, and in house recipes. Its useful properties which we considered above help at various physical states.

Motion sickness medicine

If you regularly suffer from travel sickness in transport, put in a mouth several leaves of a basil for the period of the trip — and such problem any more you will not disturb.

Tea for cold Exists a set of means to facilitate a catarrhal state, and tea from a basil — one of them. On 1 glass of boiled water it is necessary to use 1 teaspoon of a dry plant or 30 g fresh. Having made broth as usual tea, it is possible to add a lemon, sugar or honey to it to taste and to drink with advantage and pleasure.

Important! Do not forget about contraindications at which use of a basil inside is not recommended or it is forbidden.

Features of use of a basil in cookery

The basil literally for in total meat, fish, vegetables, bean, soups approaches. But fresh plant is considered more valuable and applicable. Especially important ingredient is spice in preparation of various sauces and gravies.

Tastes of a fragrant grass are shown gradually. At first it gives a bitterish shade which passes then into sweetish. Also very important point is the measure: the basilicas should be added gradually, besides at the very end of preparation of a dish.

Experienced culinary specialists advise to tear leaves hands that the aroma was more proved and proved to be to full beauty.

Possible harm and contraindications

The basil has a set of useful qualities, but it has also contraindications. You should not use a plant:

  • to pregnant women;
  • to the people who had a stroke or a heart attack;
  • to epileptics;
  • to diabetics;
  • to hypertensive persons.

The use of medicines on the basis of a basil should not exceed 3 weeks. After a break it can be continued as necessary.

Whether you know? Ancient Egypt used a basil at the procedure of mummifying as the plant has repellent properties.

Still useful spices

On counters of shop it is possible to find a set of various fragrant herbs and spices, each of which has the unique properties.


Cinnamon, besides bewitching sweet aroma, has also a number of practical and very useful qualities:

  • interferes with formation of blood clots;
  • stabilizes sugar level in blood;
  • strengthens a cardiovascular system;
  • eliminates a bad smell from a mouth;
  • relieves menstrual pains;
  • it is effective at colds and cough;
  • repays the increased acidity, struggles with diarrhea and morning nausea.


The coriander is seeds of cilantro which and in itself is widely used in cookery. But add seeds not only because of tastes, and and because of many others:

  • facilitates course of an allergy;
  • is effective antidepressant;
  • improves a condition of sight;
  • strengthens stomach walls, improves appetite;
  • prevents appearance of caries, well influences gums;
  • eliminates insomnia;
  • it is used at complex treatment of problems of urination.

Study recipes of application of a coriander in medicine, cookery and cosmetology.


The parsley, most habitual for our table, can safely compete on usefulness with more exotic herbs and spices. And it is unsurprising, it has a set of medical abilities. Here not the complete list of its properties:

  • improves immunity;
  • normalizes exchange processes;
  • is prophylactic at arthritis;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • reduces arterial blood pressure;
  • produces antioxidants;
  • it is used as diuretic;
  • improves sight.

Be attentive to the body, any, even the most useful plant, can do also harm. Follow rules and listen to own organism — and then everything that you use in the diet, will be to you on advantage. The basil will become the frequent guest, will bring the spicy note in your life and will help to restore health!

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
