Advantage of dried fruits for healthy nutrition

Advantage of dried fruits for healthy nutrition

Dried fruits are the real well of the useful substances, vitamins and minerals necessary for health and beauty. Include the most useful dried fruits in the diet, and you will be able to strengthen immunity, to restore health and to lose weight, it is possible to replace with dried fruits factory sweeties without effort.

Replace habitual candies and cakes with dried fruits, and the organism will tell you thanks. Dates, dried apricots, a fig, prunes - irreplaceable assistants for those who lead a healthy lifestyle and adhere to the principles of healthy nutrition. What dried fruits should be included in a daily diet first of all?

  • Dried apricots (dried apricots). Dried apricots - the real well of useful substances. Dried apricots contains many antioxidants and the potassium irreplaceable for health of heart and vessels. The regular use of dried apricots in food strengthens immunity and also protects from atherosclerosis, heart troubles and a thyroid gland.
  • Dried pineapple. As well as fresh pineapples, in correctly prepared candied fruits contain group B vitamins, cellulose, zinc, iron, potassium and magnesium. They will become fine replacement to habitual sweeties, will improve mood, will give forces and energy.
  • Each doctor knows about advantage of prunes for health - sweet berries stabilize work of digestive tract and also are absolutely harmless to a figure. Besides, regular consumption of prunes protects from a set of diseases including from intestinal infections. It well influences a condition of nervous system, normalizes pressure, strengthens the immune system and improves a condition of skin. 
  • Because of the high content of carbohydrates dates should be used with care that who wants to lose weight, however in moderate quantities they are extremely useful. Dates contain iron, copper, magnesium, zinc, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium and also vitamins of group B, A, E and K. Besides, at dates there are more than 20 amino acids necessary for an organism for normal functioning.
  • As well as dried apricots, a fig contains a lot of potassium therefore it is irreplaceable for prevention of cardiovascular diseases, is useful to those who have arrhythmia, anemia, hypotonia, bronchial asthma. The fig is vitamin-rich also minerals, it reduces the level of cholesterol and improves muscle work.
  • In the course of weight loss you shouldn't abuse raisin - dried grapes contain a lot of sugar. However it doesn't cancel its advantage: a small amount of raisin won't do much harm to a figure, and the abundance of vitamins, potassium and phosphorus will strengthen health. Raisin is useful to prevention of periodontosis and to improvement of mental activity therefore it is the best having a snack during hard intellectual work.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
