The surplus of sweet food can become the cause of obesity, cause violations in a metabolism and lead to diabetes. It is possible to fight against a habit to sweet, conforming to several simple rules.
1. Study structure of products which you eat. Sugar often contains not only in desserts, but also in bread, seasonings, sauces, tinned dishes and semi-finished products. Producers often add sugar to fat-free cottage cheeses, kefir and yogurt to increase their nutrition value.
2. Make the plan of healthy food and strictly adhere to it, new eating habits won't be created yet. This period can last from several weeks to two months. Don't try to refuse sweet once and for all. Gradually reduce the amount of sugar consumed in a day. Try to diversify the food, eat more fresh vegetables and fruit. Quality proteinaceous food also well increases mood, as well as a dark chocolate.
3. Reveal the most important source of sugar in the diet. Sweet drinks, ready pastries, coffee or tea with sugar, the small daily having a snack consisting of cookies, wafers, buns with jam, candies and chocolates can be it. Whenever possible try to avoid these products. Find it healthier alternative. For example, sweet black tea can be replaced green, and instead of cookies or chocolate it is possible to have a bite apple, banana or light salad.
4. Eat fresh and natural products. Semi-finished products and pickled vegetables always contain preservatives, and the basic from them is sugar. You aren't lazy to prepare. Fresh dishes it is much more useful to an organism. Besides, you can easily control their structure and quality of initial products.
5. More often be in the fresh air, move and try to ensure high-quality night sleep more. Often we try to overcome drowsiness, slackness and just bad mood by means of sweet coffee and buns. Sugar doesn't treat these indispositions, and only masks them, causing temporary rise in forces.