Chicken with potatoes, baked under mayonnaise

Chicken with potatoes, baked under mayonnaise

Practically there are no such people who will refuse the chicken baked in an oven with a crunchy fragrant crust and the most delicate pulp. Chicken meat is a universal product from which treats are present not only daily, but also on holidays. Chicken also dietary meat, a dish can turn out useful if not to go too far in mayonnaise and spices.

It is required to you

  • - chicken – 1 kg (it is also possible to take chicken thighs, shins, etc.)
  • - potatoes – 1 kg
  • - onion – 200 g
  • - garlic – 3-4 cloves
  • - salt, pepper – to taste
  • - mayonnaise


1. Garlic needs to be cleaned and crushed. Chicken salt, pepper, add the crushed garlic and mix. Leave for some time that chicken was kept waiting.

2. Onions should be cleaned and cut half rings.

3. Slice the peeled potatoes thin.

4. Take a form for roasting and place on it chicken, from above to lay out the onions cut by half rings, on onions to lay out thin slices of potatoes and to salt a little. Grease from above with mayonnaise.

5. Put in an oven for 1 hour at a temperature not less than 180 degrees.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
