Stuffed cabbage leaves – quite widespread and popular dish. Their preparation doesn't take a lot of time and isn't difficult. But the nobility some secrets of preparation of stuffed cabbage leaves nevertheless won't be superfluous.
Preparation time
Before cooking stuffed cabbage leaves, it is necessary to learn - what is the time it will borrow. Duration of cooking can change depending on many factors, for example, from structure of gravy when stewing forcemeat, each sauce has to be on fire different time. A considerable role is played also by in what stuffed cabbage leaves pine. For example, in usual water they will be ready quicker, than in sour cream. Some hostesses cook a dish in a tomato or tomato paste. Such dense gravy will require a bigger preparation time.
Way of preparation
Except time, it is important to choose a certain way of preparation. It is possible not only to cook stuffed cabbage leaves, but also to bake in an oven or on couple. If before the main stage of cooking to roast a little envelopes, the dish will be ready much earlier. The slowest way of their preparation – steam boiling. But as this option very much is suitable for people on a diet or having digestion diseases, it is possible and to wait.
Besides meat or forcemeat, many hostesses put in a stuffing also vegetables or mushrooms. Some cook stuffed cabbage with fish forcemeat. It can't but affect taste of a dish too. Stuffed cabbage leaves with mincemeat cook most longer. Before their cooking it is recommended to fry meat in vegetable oil in a frying pan. That the meat or minced fish turned out more gentle, it is necessary to throw it with a force on a table for 3-5 minutes. So forcemeat will turn out more gentle and air, and, therefore, and tasty.
Stuffed cabbage leaves in a pan
Before mixing rice with mincemeat, it needs to be boiled at first to semi-readiness, and then to wash a baking plate with cold water. Envelopes should be put at each other, and then to fill in with water and tomato juice. Many hostesses consider that this recipe the most successful. The dish will be the most fragrant if to use at once several different seasonings, but the main thing is not to go too far. That envelopes turned out the most tasty, it is worth making them small. It is recommended to cook stuffed cabbage leaves with the closed cover on average fire. As a rule, preparation time of such dish – 50-60 minutes.
Stuffed cabbage leaves in sour cream
Stuffed cabbage leaves in sour cream will turn out more tasty if to stew them in an oven. For this purpose it is necessary to grease a tray with a desi and to lay in it stuffed cabbage leaves. It is recommended not to put them at each other, and to contain everything in one layer. Gravy can be diluted with water that the dish wasn't too fat. Products need to be filled in with gravy completely, for more rich taste. The oven has to be warmed up to 200 wasps. In order that the dish turned out more fragrant, it is possible to strew it with cheese.