All the year round cucumbers are on sale in shops. But fresh-salted they are worthy to become only in the summer. Except classical use of fresh-salted cucumbers as snack, it is possible to replace with them salty and marinated in salads and sauces.
It is required to you
- - 1 kg of cucumbers
- - 1 l of water
- - 2 tablespoons of salt
- - 5 segments of garlic
- - 1 stalk of mint
- - leaves of currant and cherry
1. Take small fresh cucumbers, carefully to wash out them. If privyala cucumbers, then it is necessary to leave them for a couple of hours in cold water. To prepare spices for salting, proceeding from the flavoring preferences. Tasty cucumbers turn out with horse-radish and fennel. It is possible to take structure more gentle: mint will impact to cucumbers new relish, and the crunch will be given by leaves of cherry and currant because of saturation tannins.
2. For short time it is necessary to wet in water leaflets of mint, currant and cherry to remove from them dust. Later time to wash out them in flowing water.
3. On a bottom of a pan in which cucumbers will be salted (it is desirable enameled), the washed-out leaflets give all the best. In order that they gave the aroma and taste quicker, they need to be rumpled slightly hands. Garlic is cleaned and cut by large pieces with the same purpose. Also is located on a bottom. It is possible to add the horse-radish leaves cut by strips and fennel.
4. At cucumbers ""buttocks"" on both sides are removed. If cucumbers first, very young, then it can and be not done. But if a high season, then are removed for bitterness avoidance. Still it becomes for faster prosalivaniye.
5. Cucumbers keep within on spice. If there is a lot of them, then keep within layers, alternating spices.
6. Prepare a brine: on liter of the filtered cold water 2 tablespoons of salt without hill undertake, mixes up before full dissolution.
7. Cucumbers are filled in with the prepared brine. They have to be covered with water completely. Are left for salting down for day.