Mexican cuisine presented to the world a set of hot dishes. Also the chicken made in Mexican with abundance of a burning black pepper won't become disappointment for admirers of exotic.
Preparation of a dish will require the following ingredients: 600-700 g of chicken fillet, 2 average heads of onions, 2 paprikas, 5 ripe tomatoes, 400 g of tinned corn, 3-4 garlic gloves, 300 g of a hard cheese, sour cream, a black sprinkling pepper, salt, 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil for greasing of a form.
First of all it is necessary to prepare chicken fillet. Meat is washed out in flowing warm water and dried tissues. Cut some fillet pieces of average size. Each piece is carefully rubbed with a black sprinkling pepper.
Instead of fillet for preparation of a dish it is possible to use shins and hips of a bird. The main thing, plentifully to grate meat with a black sprinkling pepper. It is possible to reduce sharpness of a dish, having just strewed with pepper the meat which is laid out in a form.
The washed-out paprika is cut lengthways and delete a core and seeds. Then pepper is cut thin straws. It is possible to use vegetables of any color. The onions are cleaned from a peel and small sliced. Remove a skin from garlic and wipe cloves through a small sieve. It is possible to crush garlic, having passed through a press. Tomatoes cut thin circles. It is possible to replace fresh tomatoes tinned. In this case it is recommended to husk with fruits as she is much tougher, than at a fresh vegetables. Tinned corn is thrown back on a sieve that liquid completely flew down. Cheese is grated. Each ingredient after processing is shifted in a separate clean plate. The bottom and walls of the form intended for roasting are oiled vegetable. Ingredients spread in a form layers: onions, paprika, tomatoes. Then corn which needs to be leveled on all surface of the previous layer gives all the best. The layer of corn is strewed with the crushed garlic. Over garlic put chicken fillet. It is desirable to grease a meat surface with a small amount of sour cream.
Black sprinkling pepper – obligatory ingredient of the chicken made in Mexican. However it is possible to use also other favourite spices, pouring them vegetables during laying by layers into a form.
The oven is warmed to 190-200os. The form is placed on the average level. Preparation of a dish from chicken and vegetables will last 35-40 minutes. Not less than 2 times during this time it is necessary to get a form from an oven to turn pieces of meat and to achieve their uniform roasting. In 10 minutes until ready dishes, in Mexican strew chicken with a grated cheese and again send a form to an oven. As soon as cheese enough is reddened, having formed a golden crust, it is possible to take out a dish from an oven. Chicken in Mexican often don't bake in an oven, and extinguish in a deep frying pan a baking plate densely closed cover, previously having fried all ingredients. In this case unusually tasty and hot sauce turns out. Ready chicken with vegetables shift in a beautiful dish and give hot. The light vegetable salad or boiled potatoes will become excellent addition to chicken in Mexican.