Fruit of a pomelo: useful properties and harm

Fruit of a pomelo: useful properties and harm

This exotic citrus got to the European countries in the 14th century. Its homeland is Malaysia, and to family it is considered in all Southeast Asia. Externally it is very similar to grapefruit — so that in translation from Dutch it and is called, but differs from the twin brother in the sizes — about 30 cm in the diameter, a form (is both round, and pear-shaped) and weight — up to 10 kg. Color varies from light green to yellow-pink, and pink coloring is received only by one party — that which is turned to the sun. This exotic guest took root on shelves of our shops for a long time, however its useful and tastes are worth it to tell about them separately.

Structure of citrus

Pomelo — the well of useful substances containing practically a minimum of calories.

Are its part:

  • vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, C, N, RR;
  • minerals — phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, copper, sodium and zinc;
  • cellulose; organic acids; essential oils.

It is important! To avoid bitterness, it is necessary to separate the white layer which is under a peel of a pomelo from juicy segments of fruit.

Nutrition value and caloric content

In 100 um of a product only 38 kcal or 2.65% of norm contain:

  • proteins - 0.8 um (0.97%);
  • fats - 0 um (0%);
  • carbohydrates - 9.5 um (7.5%);
  • cellulose - 1 um (5%);
  • water - 89 um (3.47%).

In what advantage of a product

It is really unique natural product which helps not only softly and in a complex to solve the problems which are available in a human body, but also to improve a dream and mood, to remove nervousness. In other words — to improve quality of life.

For men

Council it is not always necessary to treat similar to similar by the way. The stronger sex can facilitate the state at symptoms of a hangover, without having accepted the next dose of alcohol, and having eaten this ekzot. And still a pomelo — relative of our pumpkin in the sense that it improves sexual function, sexual inclination and a spermatogenesis. Chinese women and Thais give a pomelo to men without hints (as it becomes at us), but with wishes of health and longevity. Usually there is it on the eve of New year. Also it makes great impact on men whose kind of activity demands the increased concentration of attention.

For women

The largest fruit from family of a citrus is very useful to women. It is known that healthy intestines — strong immunity. The pomelo promotes his timely clarification. As health and beauty are very closely connected, normal functioning of intestines at once affects appearance. Skin becomes elastic and velvety, has equal light color, pigmentary and age spots disappear. Also juice of a pomelo promotes narrowing of enlarged pores.

Pomelo — a receptacle of fruit acids which update skin. But apply it not only inside, but also as cosmetic. Wipe with the concentrated juice fat or the mixed type skin (A T-shaped zone — a forehead, a chin, nose wings), divorced with water — dry. Its juice can be used at production of masks, to add to tonics and srubs. For persons interested to dump a number of kilograms of a pomelo — just a find. He perfectly satisfies hunger and thirst, but at the same time is very low-calorie and accelerates splitting of fats.

Important! Pregnant women are not recommended to be fond especially of this exotic fruit, it belongs to the category of a citrus, and it can cause allergic reaction not only in mother, but also tendency to an allergy at future child.

Besides, this fruit increases protective forces of an organism, cleans it from toxins and brings to naught their harm. An additional bonus — good mood and optimism that is very important for health and a self-assessment of women.

For children

Thanks to the increased content of vitamin C of a pomelo — the main enemy of colds and flu. If the child is hyperactive, we will easily excite, on his nervous system the calcium which is contained in this citrus will make salutary impact.

School students often suffer from increased fatigue. It is caused also by big loadings in school, rapid growth and development of all vital systems. It is also designed to support the growing organism this citrus. And the phosphorus which is contained in it will help to achieve success in study. If roundish cheeks of the child touch only parents, and peers sneer at the full kid, special enzymes will reduce body weight. It is important only that fruit was present at the child's diet 2-3 times a week.

He will be the good assistant at spring avitaminosis, insomnia, fever and even at treatment of diabetes.

However it is necessary to be careful, entering this fruit into the menu of the kid. It is not recommended to acquaint the child with this exotic guest before one and a half years. The first feedings up have to be minimum — only several drops of juice. And, naturally, it is necessary to watch reaction. If there is rash, reddenings, indigestion — you should not continue. Also the pomelo is not recommended to the children having diseases of digestive tract, kidneys or a liver.

Important! The child up to 3 years can use 2-3 segments of fruit a week, for the school student the recommended norm — 100 g.

Application of useful fruit

It is possible to use this miracle, similar to pear, everywhere — and for treatment, and for appearance, and for pleasure. Let's consider its application in more detail.

Medicinal properties

This fruit helps to cope with many illnesses and that is not less important, prevents many diseases. The pomelo is effective at:

  • problems with digestive tract (excepting stomach ulcer of a stomach and the increased acidity);
  • diabetes — reduces the content of sugar in blood;
  • oncological diseases — it is capable to constrain formation of cancer cells;
  • diseases of a cardiovascular system — thanks to the potassium which is its part strengthens a cardiac muscle, dilutes blood, reduces risk of formation of blood clots, normalizes pressure;
  • changes and problems with skeletal system — thanks to the calcium which is contained in it;
  • inflammatory diseases of any nature;
  • The SARS, flu, infections which are transmitted in the airborne way;
  • cough and asthma;
  • the weakened immunity — vitamin C restores and strengthens it;
  • depression and bad mood.

It is more, than in a citrus vitamin C contains in sauerkraut, a dogrose, broccoli, blackcurrant, parsley.


This thick-skinned ekzot positively influences practically all systems of an organism:

  • the fruit dulls feeling of year, and the complex of vitamins and minerals entering it helps to lose extra kilos. It is promoted by both the low-caloric content of a fruit, and lipolitichesky enzyme which helps to split fats and proteins quickly;
  • provides an organism with the folic acid necessary in the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • rich with cellulose, it promotes clarification of an organism from toxins, possessing soft laxative action.


Such face pack is especially effective: a segment of a pomelo, on a teaspoon of lemon juice and honey, an egg yolk, 2-3 drops of burdock oil. To put mix on a face for 10-15 minutes, to remove tonic or water of room temperature. To apply nutritious cream. The mask approaches all-type skin. It is possible to use fruit and as a part of a srub. A little dried pulp of a fruit to crush, add several drops of gel for washing, several drops of essential oil (olive, burdock, avocado) and honey. The srub can be used both for the person, and for a body. Put on the steamed-out face, and remove cool water.

Whether you know? Sheddok — so still call this citrus. His second name — an appreciation tribute to the person who described a pomelo and acquainted with it Europeans.


Pulp is used for preparation of desserts, fruit jelly, dried fruits, jam, candied fruits. Do tea of the dried-up and crushed peel. The pomelo gives to salads tenderness and ease, it is only necessary to remove the top film to remove unnecessary bitterness. He can be used at preparation of dishes from fish and meat, juicy sauces.

Fruit pomelo salad will please not only the company of adults, but also will become decoration of a table on a children's birthday. The pomelo, orange, pear, a half of a lemon, 5 kiwis, 2 tablespoons of honey, on a handful of cowberry (cranberry), pomegranate and bilberry are necessary. The fruit of a pomelo is necessary large — it is cut on half, exempted from pulp. Then place all ingredients in these two improvised bowls, mix them and water with liquid honey.

Learn more about advantage and use of ingredients of fruit salad: honey, orange, lemon, kiwi, cranberry, grenade.

Whether it is possible for a pomelo to pregnant women and feeding

The diet of future mummy has to be various and balanced. The pomelo will add to him the highlight:

  • that who has a hypertension fruit will help to normalize pressure;
  • will increase the resilience of an organism which works for two. And if it happened to catch a viral infection, then it is better to be treated by pleasant and useful fruit, than powders and tablets;
  • well influences not only a cardiovascular system, but also strengthens teeth and bones not only mothers, but also future kid — thanks to high content of calcium;
  • contributes to the full development of a brain of the child;
  • accelerates metabolism processes;
  • enhances elasticity of vessels;
  • it is better, than orange, satisfies thirst;
  • thanks to the radio oils-aphrodisiacs which are contained in its peel levels and stabilizes an emotional background. The good mood is provided to lovers of a pomelo!

What is good for mother, will do good and — it is difficult to kid not to agree with this statement. However in the first months of life of the kid it is better to refrain from exotic and the more so citrus fruit. It is better to use those fruit that grow in your area. After half a year it is possible to experiment a little: having eaten in the morning a segment of a pomelo, to watch reaction of the child. If there is rash or reddenings, the pomelo should be removed from a diet so far. If there are no negative manifestations, it is possible to enjoy exotic fruit further.

Whether you know? The diuretic properties the pomelo leaves far behind even watermelon.

Harm and contraindications

This remarkable fruit can do much harm to an organism. However, similar cases can be listed on fingers — them a little:

  • allergy to a citrus;
  • the increased acidity and ulcer;
  • problems with a liver, kidneys and intestines;
  • individual intolerance.

However even if you do not have all above-mentioned, you should not abuse favourite delicacy. Standard daily rate of a pomelo for adults — 100 g. Children need to give a pomelo with care: to kids about one year — in the form of the juice divorced boiled water, and after 3 years — 1-2 segments.

Pomelo — really remarkable fruit which will bring benefit to both a body, and soul. It is necessary to use only correctly it, then its few shortcomings will remain unnoticed, and the advantage for health will be notable.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
