Honey for strengthening of health and increase in potency at men

Honey for strengthening of health and increase in potency at men

Long since the central place in the list of all natural remedies was allocated to bee honey. The product is capable to cure of a set of diseases and to raise a men's libido. As aphrodisiac it was used by Hippocrates's contemporaries, but also today the official medicine recognizes curative impact of honey on male potency. In what a secret what whether sweet medicine is shown to feature of reception and all — we will tell about all this further in article.

What the bee product is rich with

Besides pleasant aroma and inimitable taste, honey is valuable the richest chemical composition. In a drop of this delicacy all components of nectar which in the course of preparation were enriched with unique allocations of bee glands are collected. In it is mute the vital acids, vitamins and mineral substances are concentrated.

Whether you know? Flower pollen is the main source of useful qualities of honey. If during collecting pcheloprodukt to filter, the amount of vitamins and useful minerals in its structure will decrease half.

In a hundred-gram portion of fragrant sweet it is revealed:

  • proteins — about 0.8 g (0.98% of standard daily rate);
  • ashes — within 1-3.5%;
  • waters — 17.4 g (0.68%);
  • carbohydrates — 80.3 g (62.7%).

Characteristic of the pcheloprodukt are continuous chemical processes which happen to its components. As a result from the moment of pumping of honey before its consumption carbohydrates can significantly reduce the quantity. From them allocate:

  • glucose — 24-45 g;
  • sucrose — up to 13 g;
  • maltose — 1.4-10 g;
  • fructose — 25-50 g;
  • the restoring disaccharides — 58-86 g;
  • the highest oligoza — 0.1-21 g;
  • to melitsitoz — 25-83 g;
  • pentosans — up to 1 g.

It is proved that padevy grades of dark color differ in the increased composition of proteins and mineral substances. According to beekeepers, chemical nutrients of honey depend on geography of collecting nectar, weather conditions, solar activity and even a kind of insects.

Whether you know? In a basis of honey 400 substances and cindery components are put. At the same time high-calorific grades of a product by amount of chemical elements are equated to human blood.

Despite of the fact that in a product there are no fats and food fibers, its caloric content very high. About 330 kilocalories drop to a hundred-gram portion that equals to two pork stakes. Therefore delicacy is recommended to take daily for the medical and preventive purposes in limited quantity. 1 teaspoon contains only 26 kilocalories. All honey making scientists subdivide into several groups:

Enzymes (without them processes of processing of flower pollen and maturing of a ready-made product are impossible, collapse at a temperature over 60 degrees):

  • amylase;
  • imulaza;
  • lipase;
  • glucose oxydas;
  • invertaza;
  • sour phosphatase;
  • phospholipase;
  • ascorbate oxidase;
  • catalase;
  • protease;
  • reductase;
  • peroxidase;
  • glikogenaza;
  • polifenoloksidaza.

Whether you know? The word honey of the Israeli origin and in translation designates magic charms.

Mineral substances (in natural honey them can be up to 40):

  • potassium — up to 4700 mkg;
  • pine forest — 35 g;
  • sulfur — 126 g;
  • phosphorus — up to 1300 mkg;
  • chlorine — 200 mkg;
  • magnesium — 300 g;
  • iron — 34 g;
  • silicon — 72 mkg;
  • sodium — 400 mkg;
  • manganese — 40 mkg;
  • aluminum — up to 40 mkg;
  • calcium — up to 1780 mkg;
  • lead — 69 mkg;
  • zinc — 39 mkg;
  • silver — 0.12 mkg;
  • the titan — 24 mkg;
  • iodine — 0.4 mkg;
  • gold — 0.01-0.20 mkg;
  • molybdenum — 0.86 mkg;
  • vanadium — 0.2 mkg;
  • lithium — 0.06 - 0.24 mkg;
  • strontium — 0.10 mkg;
  • tin — 0.01 - 0.07 mkg;
  • antimony — 4 mkg.

Amino acids (in a hundred-gram portion of curative nectar about 98 mg drop to their share):

  • lysine;
  • isoleucine;
  • phenylalanine;
  • arginine;
  • threonine;
  • serin;
  • alanine;
  • glutamic acid;
  • tyrosine;
  • valine;
  • asparaginic acid;
  • leucine;
  • cystine;
  • proline;
  • methionine;
  • oxyproline;
  • histidine;
  • tryptophane;
  • asparagin;
  • glutamine;
  • ethanolamine;
  • ornitin.

We advise to read about differences, structure and curative properties of types of honey: meadow, forest, flower, mountain, May; akatsiyevy, buckwheat, sunflower, chestnut, lime, dyagilevy, donnikovy; cellular.

Alkaloids (are useful only in small doses, in excess quantities poison an organism):

  • nicotine;
  • caffeine;
  • quinine;
  • morphine;
  • strychnine.

Acids (as a part of the pcheloprodukt about 0.3% of organic compounds on which combinations tastes, and no more than 0.03% inorganic depend contain):

  • dairy;
  • apple;
  • oxalic;
  • pyroracemic;
  • ant;
  • lemon;
  • acetic;
  • wine;
  • olein;
  • linoleic;
  • glycolic;
  • sugar;
  • gluconew;
  • amber;
  • salt;
  • phosphoric.

Vitamins (contain in limits of 45-2600 mkg/g of honey, depending on its grade and origin):

  • niatsin — 0.5-10 mkg;
  • thiamine — 0.2-04 mkg;
  • ascorbic acid — 0.1-2600 mkg;
  • tocopherol — up to 10 mkg;
  • Retinolum — 0.4 mkg;
  • Riboflavinum — 0.1-1.5 mkg;
  • biotin — 3.9-6.4 mkg;
  • pantothenic acid — 0.5-11 mkg;
  • pyridoxine — 0.2-3.1 mkg;
  • kobalamin — 0.01 mkg;
  • folic acid — 2.5 mkg;
  • fillokhinon — 0.06 mkg;
  • it is well-cared — 1-12 mkg.

The mystery of magic influence of honey is in a unique combination of particles of nectar, a perga, propolis, bee secretion and pollen. Many of components are still not identified, and researchers go on about continuous changes in structure of delicacy.

It is important! When temperature sharply rises higher than 40 degrees, honey loses the medicinal properties.

Than honey is useful to men

Still founders of medical science and Ancient Egyptian sorcerers used curative properties of a bee elixir. The pot of honey was found by archeologists even in Tutankhamun's tomb. And not for nothing. The product has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, sudorific, febrifugal, expectorant properties. In a human body there will be no such body to which a small amount of delicacy would do much harm. Let's understand it in more detail.

Read also about advantage and harm of honey for the woman's organism.

For immunity and general condition of an organism

About one today the recipes of traditional medicine checked in the millennia with use of honey reached. In a tandem with imbiryom and walnuts this product is capable not only to load a body with vital energy and and to protect it from pathogenic microorganisms. Daily eating on a delicacy tablespoon, you will ensure strong immunity and the correct work of all bodies. It is the best of all to add it instead of sugar to not hot drink. Mix of equal parts of honey and juice of an aloe is also very effective.

Important! Divorced water medical does not smell and has weak flavoring characteristics.

For increase in potency

Urologists of the whole world recognize efficiency of apiotherapy. According to them, salutary influence of the pcheloprodukt is connected with normalization of blood circulation in a zone of urogenitaliya and elimination of inflammatory processes.

By means of honey in complex treatment it is possible to get rid of sharp and chronic forms of prostatitis, a giperplaziya of a prostate, male powerlessness.

Many experts advise honey to sweet teeth as sweetener. Here matter not only in uselessness of white crystals, and more likely in their property to lower testosterone level in blood. The bee elixir can normalize their indicators that it will positively be displayed on a hormonal background of the man.

For normalization of work of heart and strengthening of vessels

Regular consumption of fresh honey — guarantee of the correct functioning of a cardiovascular system, authoritative cardiologists speak about it at the international forums. According to them, the product surely has to be in a daily diet of people for whom coronary heart disease, tachycardia, bradycardia, weakening of a cardiac muscle, heart failure, stenocardia, a hypertension and hypotonia is diagnosed.

Whether you know? To receive 100 g of honey, bees need to collect nectar from 100 thousand flowers.

This medicine very effective and available to everyone. For normalization of work of heart and strengthening of arteries enough every day to eat on 1 teaspoon of bee sweet, washing down it with not hot milk. Single reception of half of liter of warm broth of grass collecting (on a tablespoon of flowers of a camomile, St. John's wort, birch kidneys, an immortelle) with 1 teaspoon of honey is also useful.

Learn more about a St. John's wort: than it is useful to men as affects potency how to make and drink.

For digestive tract and the central nervous system

Depending on features of application, bee nectar can be useful to a digestive tract and nervous system. Many millennia it was a reliable remedy for removal of stresses, elimination of insomnia, normalization of a psychoemotional state. Also the product helps to adjust work of a stomach and intestines, to get rid of helminths and inflammatory processes. Gastroenterologists strongly recommend not to resort to self-treatment as inadequate therapy can do much harm. It is important to get advice of the qualified specialist and to undergo full diagnostics. Besides contraindications (we will talk about them further), there is a number of features in intake of honey. For example:

  • at the increased acidity of a stomach it is recommended to connect delicacy to warm water (lowers level rn);
  • at the lowered acidity, on the contrary, honey is washed down with cold water (increases level rn).

Read also about features of the use of honey water on an empty stomach.

Recipes of application

Our ancestors considered honey a longevity basis. And the modern medicine confirms it. On sale there are many medicines from pcheloprodukt. But along with it recipes of national Aesculapians are widely used. We prepared a selection of the effective and checked ways of a medolecheniye on different cases.

Important! Glass, ceramic, plastic and clay tanks are ideal for storage of honey. Categorically it is not recommended to use for this purpose galvanized, metal, copper and synthetic ware.

For strengthening of male power

To prepare prostatitis medicine, will be necessary:

  • dry leaves of a plantain in the crushed look (3 tablespoons);
  • bearberry grass (3 tablespoons);
  • gryzhnik (3 tablespoons);
  • dry foliage of a birch (1 tablespoon);
  • boiled water half of liter;
  • natural honey (3 tablespoons).

At first it is necessary to mix all components in a thermos and to fill in with the boiling water. In 2 hours, infusion is passed through a strainer and allowed to cool down. After that add medical to liquid, stir and drink three times a day after meal 100 milliliters. In cases of age violations in functioning of a reproductive system it is recommended to accept honey and nut gruel daily. For its preparation are necessary:

  • kernels of 10 walnuts;
  • 100 milliliters of boiled water;
  • 4 tablespoons of honey.

The cleaned kernels need to be crushed and laid out in a cup. After that they are filled in with the boiled water which cooled down to room temperature. After 2 hours add to capacity medical and carefully stir. The received substance is eaten on 1 tablespoon a day irrespective of reception of food.

Whether you know? Permanent expression honeymoon came to us from Norway where the wedding tradition when newlyweds for 30 days after the wedding have to eat and drink honey drinks and viands passes from father to son.

The potency is well increased by a honey lotion. It is made of 250 milliliters of the pcheloprodukt and 500 g of the cooled-down boiled water. Initially honey is sent to a water bath, and after that connected to water. In the received medicine it is necessary to wet soft fabric or a small towel and to put it for the night to genitals. The course of treatment lasts 2 weeks.

At a hypertension

For normalization of blood pressure it will be required:

  • carrot juice (250 milliliters);
  • horse-radish juice (250 milliliters);
  • lemon juice (from 1 fruit);
  • honey (1 teaspoon).

All components mix up. The received means is recommended to be drunk on 1 teaspoon three times a day to food. Medicine cannot be stored at the room temperature. It is the best of all to put it in the fridge.

Well mixture proved from:

  • honey (100 g);
  • beet juice (250 ml).

All ingredients stir and take the turned-out medicine up to a throat for an hour before meal.

Whether you know? In Ancient Rome, honey was equated to gold. Paid with it for goods in the market and paid penalties.

At atherosclerosis

The curative medicine is preparing from:

  • the walnut kernels (250 g) crushed on the meat grinder;
  • honey (100 g).

Mix is recommended to accept on 30 g before food. Also drink which is preparing by dissolution of 1 tablespoon of delicacy in a glass of mineral water with lemon juice helps. It is necessary to take similar medicine on an empty stomach 7 days.

Learn, than water with a lemon and whether it is possible to drink it on an empty stomach is useful.

With what it is possible

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
