Home-made cakes have to be not only tasty, but also beautiful. It isn't obligatory to cover them with a thick layer of sugar mastic, to do roses of cream and to mold marzipan figures. That cake turned out original and beautiful, correctly bake a basis, select suitable cream or impregnation and in advance think over design of all product.
1. Most often the holiday table is decorated by biscuit cakes. The technology of their production is simple - cake layers are baked, as necessary cut lengthways and become impregnated with syrup. Then cake layers grease with cream or jam, put them together and decorate ready cake. That the product turned out beautiful, it is important to observe the sequence of operations precisely.
2. Correctly bake cake layers. Kneading dough, follow a compounding. It is necessary to bake a biscuit in the oven which is previously warmed to 200-220os. Split metal molds will be suitable for production of cake layers for round cake. If you want to bake a figured product, use soft silicone molds - with their help easy to make cake in the form of a butterfly, a bear or a lodge. You will be able to take a cake layer from such form, without having damaged it.
3. Before impregnating cake layers with syrup, let's them cool down well, on it not less than 6 hours are required. Insufficiently sustained cake layer can collapse when cutting. Do cream for a promazyvaniye dense - so the product will better keep a form.
4. It is possible to decorate a cake surface cream which was used for pro-dabs. Apply it on top and sides of a product and level a knife. The surface can be strewed with grated chocolate, the crushed nuts or the pounded biscuit crumb. One more option is to water cake with glaze from the chocolate kindled on a water bath. Except habitual black, it is possible to use the milk, white or color flavored chocolate.
5. Decorate ready cake with chocolate candies mixes, ready sugar florets or beads. Very unusual decor - the live roses or violets covered with the beaten egg white and strewed with very small icing sugar. Such ornament will be suitable for especially solemn occasion - for example, anniversary or a wedding.
6. Cake can be decorated with berries and fruit. Thinly cut strawberry, oranges, limes or peaches and densely lay them on a product surface. By means of a silicone brush apply on fruit liquid jelly and leave it before hardening. Instead of jelly it is possible to use jam - stir a jam spoon in boiled water, warm up mix and cover with it cake.