Today there are many recipes of preservation of cherry. They differ in either way of preparation, or availability of new ingredients. There are such recipes, thanks to ingenuity of wise hostesses who to diversify long ago the known and "bored" preservation, add to it something new. So, from year to year, recipes change to unrecognizability. There is only a certain number of constant recipes of preservation, cherry in own juice also belongs to their number. Besides that cherry very tasty, also it is useful to people with the weakened nervous system, and, the ascorbic acid which is contained in it, strengthens capillaries and reduces arterial pressure.
1. For a start you need to touch cherry and to choose the whole, intact fruits. The quantity doesn't matter, select so much how many you find necessary.
2. Previously prepare banks that by the beginning of preservation they were clean and dry. In them impose cherries. Then put cups in a pan at the bottom of which establish a metal support for preservation, and pour water into capacity.
3. After that include slow fire. During heating, cherries will begin to decrease, releasing the time until juice fills all capacity.
4. Then bring water to the boil and pasteurize banks. For half liter there will be enough 10 minutes, and for liter at least 15. During pasteurization the banks have to be spread with covers which you have to boil previously, it isn't less than 5 minutes.
5. If you don't want your preservation to "blow up", skilled hostesses recommend right after you close them, to turn upside down and already in such look to cool.
6. There is also other recipe. It is used in case not enough time is allowed for preservation. I skin and put the selected cherry in previously pasteurized banks.
7. After that fill in fruits with boiled water and close boiled covers. Some hostesses instead of water, fill in fruits with cherry juice. Also don't forget to turn banks upside down after rolling of covers.