Tasty it is also useful – what can be better than this combination? Make natural apricot jam at home: fruit sweet without factory dyes and preservatives.
It is required to you
- Recipe No. 1. Ingredients: 1 kg of apricots
- 4 kg of sugar
- 2-2.5 glasses of water
- 3 g of citric acid.
- Recipe No. 2. Ingredients: 3 kg of apricots
- 3 kg of sugar
- 5 l of water.
- Recipe No. 3. Ingredients: 1 kg of pitted apricots
- 8-1kg sugar
- 1 glass of water.
1. Recipe No. 1. Take 1 kg of fruits of an apricot. They shouldn't be absolutely mature. Pin an apricot in several places a wooden toothpick. Put apricots for 1 minute in the boiling water and quickly cool them in cold water. Small fruits can be cooked entirely, large – having cut in half along a groove and having taken out a stone.
2. Prepare syrup: 1.4 kg of sugar on 2-2.5 glasses of water. This quantity is calculated on 1 kg of apricots.
3. Fill in with syrup apricots and you cook until ready. You can define readiness of jam, having dripped a little hot syrup on a cold saucer. If syrup rather dense and a drop doesn't spread, then jam is ready.
4. Recipe No. 2. Apricots it is good to wash out, divide them into halves, to remove stones. Prepare syrup: in a cooking basin to pour water and to add in the portions sugar (in process of its dissolution).
5. Without removing syrup from fire, to put in it apricots so that they completely plunged into sugar solution.
6. When apricots fall by a bottom, to switch off fire. Allow jam to cool down to room temperature.
7. Again to bring jam to the boil and to disconnect fire. Spread out ready jam on the sterilized banks and roll up metal covers.
8. Recipe No. 3. Dissolve sugar in water, bring syrup to the boil.
9. Put apricots in a basin and fill in them with syrup. Leave for 5-6 hours.
10. Put a basin on fire and begin to cook. After boiling to sustain 8-10 minutes. Switch off fire and cool jam to room temperature.
11. Again to boil thoroughly jam of 8-10 minutes after boiling.
12. Pour jam on the sterilized banks, close polyethylene covers or the parchment paper moistened with alcohol. At such way of cooking the fruits of apricots remain whole and transparent.