How to cook pasta in a naval way

How to cook pasta in a naval way

Going to distant campaigns, sailors among other products stocked up with meat and flour. To diversify the menu, the inventive cook thought up the recipe which in modern life is called "pasta in a naval way". Preparation of this rich dish doesn't take a lot of time, doesn't demand special skills.

It is required to you

  • meat of 300-400 g;
    • pasta of 250-300 g;
    • desi of 50 g;
    • onions 2 heads;
    • salt
    • pepper
    • bay leaf to taste.


1. Choose meat for preparation of pasta in a naval way. Better than others pulp of pork or beef will approach. Wash up it. Put in a pan and fill in with water. If meat is frozen, before cooking let's it thaw.

2. That meat was tasty and kept more useful substances, you cook it on moderate or strong fire. In 20-30 minutes after boiling salt. In several minutes until ready add bay leaf and peppercorn.

3. Let's meat cool down in broth. Get it. Crush by means of the blender or the meat grinder.

4. Peel onions, cut it in cubes. Put a desi in a deep frying pan. When it is warmed, add onions. Brown it till golden color.

5. Lay out on a frying pan forcemeat from the cooked meat. Fry together with onions. Add a black sprinkling pepper to taste.

6. Take the average size pasta. They have to be made only of firm grades of wheat. In a pan pour in water. Bring it to the boil. Salt, put pasta. When they are almost ready, cast away on a colander and drench with water.

7. Lay out in a frying pan with meat pasta. Mix. Cover and hold on average fire of 5-7 minutes.

8. prepare from crude mincemeat. If you bought it frozen, let's it thaw. Crush onions by means of the blender and add to crude forcemeat. Lay out on a hot frying pan with the kindled desi. Fry until ready, constantly stirring slowly. Add the cooked pasta.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
