Decorating cake sides in house conditions, it is necessary to show imagination and a creative. By the way, for this purpose it isn't obligatory to be the professional confectioner at all. As ornament nuts, cookies, crackers, the remains of a cake layer and usual chocolate are used.
It is required to you
- Chocolate, nuts, cake layer remains, cookies, crackers, confectionery topping, foil, coconut flakes.
1. Chocolate is the most widespread product for decoration of cake and its sides. Of course, for this purpose you need to kindle it. The beginning measure a piece of a foil which on length will be equal to a cake circle, and on width - cake height. Oil a foil vegetable. Kindle chocolate and add to it not enough desi. Now place liquid chocolate in a paper bag, and on a tip make a hole. On a foil in randomly order draw a small fence. Put a foil with chocolate in the fridge for one hour. When chocolate stiffens, but not up to the end, around wrap up in a foil cake. Now accurately remove a foil. The author's small fence from chocolate is ready! Also it is possible to make shaving by means of a usual grater of chocolate. Strew with the turned-out shaving cake sides.
2. Sprinkle edges of cake with nuts or shredded crackers with sugar. In order that topping well kept, in the beginning grease cake sides with a soft desi. After that it is possible to sprinkle sides with nuts. For convenience incline cake that nuts weren't showered at once. It is possible to use mix of nuts and sweet crackers. Instead of a desi as the holding weight use the sour cream which is shaken up with sugar. If you add a cocoa teaspoon to sour cream, the cream on color reminding chocolate will turn out.
3. Make dense oil cream of 200 grams of sugar, 1 egg, 300 grams of a desi, half a glass of milk. Shake up egg, mix it with sugar and milk. Put this mix on fire and you cook until thick. Shake up a desi the mixer in 5 minutes. Then parts add the cooled weight and continue to shake up. Weight as a result has to get a creamy state. Decorate with such cream cake and its sides. In addition apply confectionery topping, coconut flakes, broken cookies or the remains of a cake layer on sides.
4. If to put oil cream in the confectionery syringe, it is possible to make interesting jewelry or patterns on cake sides. For creams use food colors, then your cake will play bright paints. After putting cream and sprinkling on each side surely send cake to some time to the fridge that jewelry stiffened and well kept.
5. Fry oat flakes in a dry frying pan, add a little sugar and strew with them the cake sides which are previously covered with cream or sour cream. It is possible to add small shredded nuts or coconut flakes to oat flakes. In order that flakes didn't disappear, their layer has to be rather thin. It belongs also to other toppings.